Yoda stood on the command deck of the Death Star, watching the escape pods and shuttle craft evacuate the space station. His role in this war was over, and he knew it. He sensed something terrible had happened on green and blue planet below him, but he sensed that both of his pupils were still very much alive. That would have to be enough for now. Adam's X-wing had already been sent away, and with any luck, the astromech droid on board had already sent a message to the Rebel Alliance explaining the situation. By now, the entire fleet would be on their way to consolidate their latest victory. On the view screen before him, Master Yoda could see several Star Destroyers move into position. Surprisingly, they did not move to bombard the planet. Rather, they were preparing to destroy their own super-weapon. "Such a waste, this is." Yoda said to no one in particular. Perhaps the Emperor was sure they could build another and didn't want to let this one fall into the hands of the Rebels. Tarkin was surely spinning in his grave right now. The first destroyer opened fire, and the old master felt the entire station shake under the oppressive firepower. Yoda, leaning on his cane, steadied himself. "Fear death, I do not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is." Would be the last words the nine-hundred year old master would ever say, as the cannons from multiple Star Destroyers ravaged the Death Star, breaking it apart. ------ And so it came to pass. The Battle for Naboo ended in a tactical victory for the Rebel Alliance, as the Death Star had been destroyed. Greater still, Naboo, under the rulership of King Eskel, threw its support behind the Rebellion, granting it a permanent foothold in the galaxy. Other nearby planets would follow, and in the wake of the victory, Mon Mothma would declare the New Republic to be reborn, with the senate seated at the Royal Palace of Naboo. For all of this, however, the battle was a strategic stalemate. Both the Imperial and Rebel fleets survived to fight another day. With two major powers in the galaxy, a line had been drawn in the sand. It was time for every planet in the galaxy to pick a side and determine it's own destiny. On the planet of Naboo, however, a curious event was taking place. One that would have great ramifications for every planet in the galaxy... ----- The speeder dashed across the verdant green hills of the Naboo plains. It was a government issue model, and Sergeant Kael was at the controls. He carried only a single passenger, who wasn't saying much. They had been driving for nearly an hour at top speed, but the young man sitting in the back had kept to himself nearly the whole trip. Eventually, the pair arrived at the [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1c/Lake_retreat.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20180210181653]villa[/url]. Gently lit by the falling dusk, the stone and marble building seemed to glow. "Here we are, sir. Varykino Villa. No one has lived here for decades now, and the previous kings were thinking about demolishing it." said Sergeant Kael. "Are you sure this is what you are looking for?" The man in the back of the speeder stepped out and gazed at the building. He would need to inspect the interior of course, but so far it looked perfect. "So far, I think this is exactly what I need." said Adam Skywalker. "The Force is strong here, and I can think of no better place to start an academy." "Very good, sir. Shall we take a look inside?" said Sergeant Kael, motioning for the Jedi to step inside. Adam gazed out over the lake. It had been a week since his fight with Vader. His new, mechanical eye was certainly advanced, but Adam felt like he needed more time to get used to it. He signed, inwardly. [i]Kijani would love this place.[/i] he thought to himself. Eskel had told him she died fighting the Emperor, and the news shattered his heart into a million pieces. But something in his heart told him it was wrong. Kijani was alive somewhere. Adam had vowed to find her, no matter what it took. But it was something he knew he couldn't do alone. Perhaps with a new generation of Jedi, the galaxy might finally right itself...