[center][h1][u]Entry 9: Forest Mantis[/u][/h1][/center] [hider][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897661226581114900/1208296275863281664/Forest_Mantis.png?ex=65e2c499&is=65d04f99&hm=f2723331b4ded3b5b77b69adef686b1634172ec4ea8149e32633cc9f5c1e35d7&[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] A close relative of the [url=https://biosector01.com/wiki/Metru_Mantis]Metru Mantis[/url], Forest Mantis are large, predatory insect Rahi that will eat almost anything they can catch. As their name implies, they hide in the underbrush, preferring to find a spot near a watering hole or a game trail and patiently waiting to ambush prey. Their bladed forearms are not only incredibly powerful, the barbs on the inside of the blades can inject a venom that makes prey drowsy and easier to consume. [hr] [hider=Pakaru's assessment]I don't like bugs. Never have, never will. But when you scale one up to 1.5 bio [6.75 ft/205.74 cm] tall and give it blades for forearms, and make it an ambush predator, you have me running for the hills. Forest Mantis are noticeably more aggressive than Metru Mantis, and they've attacked Matoran on several occasions. The best way to spot a Forest Mantis before it attacks is by keeping an ear out for a distinct clicking sound they make when anticipating prey.[/hider]