The Great Wraith pulled a smoking, laser-looking blade from thin air and striked down with it, wide and low. At that moment Fenna's spear erupted in a holy fire, it startled her, but she noticed it wasn't too hot to wield it. It had to be a blessing. As the blade came down, Fenna planted the end of her spear on the ground and used it to jump over it. A moment later and she'd been cut in half. She landed on a foot and knee and immediately turned to see what it was up to know. It lifted the sword and summoned even more wraits. [i]Damn it[/i] she thought to herself, but at least everyone had glowing weapons now, so each of her companion had the means to defend themselves if needed. She heard James instruct MacKensie to get the phylactery and she trused her agily fellow ranger to do so. While the six new wraits were a problem and she could hear banging on the door as well, but that big wraith was a big threat and it needed to be taken out. Fenna rose and pulled her arm back as she kept her eyes on the Greater Wraith, who apparantly thought that going to the ceiling would somehow save it. She gritted her teeth and focussed on her target. The same sensation that she had during the archery practise came over her, the wraith seemed to get bigger while staying the same size and closer even though he was far away. A strong feeling that she couldn't miss came over her. The muscles in her arm tightend as she moved the flaming spear forward. For her it seemed to go slow, but in reality only seconds passed since she had started to aim. Sil grabbed the spear of the cultist with her talons and pecked at the fingers until they were bloody and unable to hold the weapon. She felt the concentration coming from Fenna and circled back to see what was happening. Sil didn't understand everything about humans, those detachable feathers for instance, they could take them off whenever they pleased, so weird. But she recognised Fenna's gaze, she had locked on a target, much as Sil herself did when she was in the air and spotted a rabit. The wood with the pointy end served as beak or talons, it was what would catch the prey, hovering up there. An upward dive. Sil knew how annoying it was if something came in the path of the dive. She had a bird suddenly fly in front of her once, causing her to lose the rabbit. Another day a leaf had blown in her face. The perfect dive ruined. By being with the humans Sil also knew the wraits, that all spread out and moved to their own target after being summoned. One was going to Fenna. Sil flew up, she wouldn't allow it to get in her path and make her miss her prey. Squaking and flapping her wings, she got in the wraiths face. It rose its sword to strike at the falcon, but with an agile move she evaded the blade. Now the wraith was annoyed and saw in Sil its next target. Sil flew down with the wraith following her, lifting it's blade, intending to strike down at the falcon. When Sil was close to the expert swordwielder, she suddenly made a sharp upward turn and flew up. Fenna threw the flaming spear with all her might to pierce the Great Wraith. It went up in a straight line, barely missing the lesser wraith that got distraced by Sil. Fenna unsheated her dagger next, now that she was without main weapon (for the moment at least) the smaller blade would have to do to defend herself.