[b]Jae-Seong Moon[/b] [i](name is written with the 宰 symbol for jae, meaning "kill, or rule" and the 誠 symbol for seong, meaning "sincere, honest, or true")[/i] [b]Documentarian[/b] [b]Male, 22[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4x3HRBfs/Jae-Seong.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Marital Status, Sexual Orientation:[/b] [list][*] Single [*] Asexual + Demiromantic [*] He's mostly attracted to other men [*] Identifies as demiguy, and comes off very feminine at times [/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [list][*] A very small, petite young man with a honey beige complexion [*] Many mistake him as being far younger than he is, most assuming him to be in his early to mid teens [*] Stands 5' tall at most, though with his preferred combat boots, he gains a couple inches [*] Upon taking on the project, his hair had recently been dyed a deep, dark purple, though the natural tone is a dark brown, which will eventually show as the purple fades and the bleached hair grows out [*] He has several beauty marks and a rather distinguishable birthmark on the back of his left hand which vaguely resembles a raven [*] Possesses several piercings and a half sleeve of tattoos on his right arm made up of various flowers and mushrooms, depictions of ravens, butterflies, and foxes, and some literary imagery such as books, scrolls, and quill and inkwell. A few quotes ar present as well, one of these being "There is no darkness but ignorance ─ Willaim Shakespeare" [/list] [b]Psychological Description/Personality:[/b] [list][*] In a single word: Brat [*] Jae-Seong is anything but the caring type and has little compassion or empathy to give [*] Young and somewhat full of himself, he's often ignorant of the bigger picture of things [*] Entitled, even, Jae-Seong often puts his own needs and feelings above those of others [*] He is selfish, apathetic, and sometimes even cruel, having absolutely no patience for anyone or anything if it doesn't benefit himself, and often letting his irritation bring him to lash out at others for no reason other than him growing tired of someone talking [*] A rebellious one too, he doesn't do well with authority and refuses to take orders from anyone, even if those orders have his best interest at heart [*] He is foolish and blindsided, wrapped up in his own little head and caring only for what Jae-Seong wants [/list] [b]Education:[/b] A few years in film school, he graduated with high marks, and some of his short films made during that time received honored awards. He has some martial arts training, but it's nothing to gloat about. Has a good few hours of training on official flight simulators, but has never flown an actual plane, unsurprisingly. [b]Family/Friends:[/b] [list][*] Yeong-Ji Moon - Father - Living [*] Hwan Moon - Mother - Living [*] Holly Long - Friend, Camera Woman - Living[/list] [b]Background:[/b] (babysitting again, so notes here once more: nothing significant about his childhood, used to be a really sweet kid, but changed in high school after falling in with a less than upstanding crowd. kept with this crew through community college and film school and made his first big break with a documentary he made about the rise of suicides following the mass murder of several students at that very school. went on to make similar, dark documentaries, finding a fascination in the suffering of others, as well as in finding the explanation for said suffering. never would have considered taking up the project for the C-130's mission had his friend and cameraman not insisted on going.) [b]Other:[/b] [list][*] 100% steals supplies when no one is looking [*] Has a stash of food and other necessities hidden away "just in case" [*] His lack of trust in those others among the crew causes him to distance himself more often than not [*] A vegetarian, he is adamantly against eating anything with a face [*] Though he is ace, he's not against having fun for his partner's sake, he just doesn't have the desire on his own [*] He is secretly terrified of deep waters, having no ability to swim [/list] [b]Direction for your Character:[/b] [list][*] He's just gonna be an annoying little jackass, honestly [*] Maybe he'll learn something, or maybe he won't, just depends on the circumstances [*] Absolutely has a near-death experience at some point, you know, in addition to the crash; does this change him, who knows, only one way to find out! [*] Definitely want him to find a boyfriend, but whether that boyfriend is a healthy relationship or not is up for debate [/list]