An NPC that will appear in the upcoming Britney x Layla post. [table][row][cell][h2][b]Sabrina[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Vanburen[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]31 | Sabrina Lydia Vanburen | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Everyone loses themselves once or twice."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Affectionately called [i]"Bean"[/i] by Britney Williams, Sabrina is the enigmatic and [i]magnanimous[/i] child of James Vanburen, one of his many. The primary distinction between Sabrina and the rest is that she is openly transgender, and the secondary one is that she reveres her father. Unlike the other siblings, who harbor grudges against him, Sabrina holds her father in the highest regard and lives with him as an example. Like the rest of the Vanburens, Sabrina was born and raised in St. Portwell but primarily found herself in the higher-end schools or on exquisite vacations on her father's dime. It was where she found herself and where she claimed that the "caterpillar became the butterfly." She abandoned her previous identity later in life, and after much expensive surgery (or as she claims), she became the person she is now. Sabrina graduated with a master's in Fashion Design and a Bachelor's in Costuming. She is very well known in the High-fashion and modeling fields, which is how she met her friend Britney Williams. Sabrina is an open social activist, donating much of the funds she earns with her career to different charities and helping those in need - much like her father would have. Sabrina would fight tooth and nail to help the city in any way she could, not just because she loved the place she grew up but because it was the [i]magnanimous[/i] thing to do. While she's not the biggest social media superstar, she is well-known in different parts of the city. Sabrina is a fairly tall woman, six feet even, but she's somewhat skinny (Somewhat in the way that she has a bit of chub) and not very curvy. She is mixed, half-black, and half-white. Sabrina rarely speaks, and when she does, she speaks with a gentle softness that only the most nurturing and compassionate could have.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adjoined - [i]The Silkworm.[/i] [indent]An Abstraction that Sabrina has had since she was a teenager... the Silkworm is an Apparition that was a part of her father's collection that she discovered after being nosy and going through his things. It took the shape of a very old sweater... and latched onto her. After freaking out, her father taught her the ropes of the Silkworm and that it was her friend. The Silkworm has several different abilities, but at its basest is that she can telekinetically manipulate all fibers/fabrics (wool, silk, cotton, etc), denim, nylons, polyester, rayon, flannel, leather, feather down, linen, and spandex. One aspect of Silkworm's abstraction is the ability to create fabric from her body and several meters of cloth near-instantly from her body. The most powerful aspect of Silkworm is the ability to manipulate the tensile strength of clothes. Tensile strength is how much stress a single thread can withstand before it snaps; Silkworm can adjust how much it takes before it snaps. She can, at most, give a single thread the tensile strength of diamonds, or she can make it shred like wet tissue paper. This abstraction comes with a subtle (and useless) extrasensory ability as it gives Sabrina the [i]exact[/i] measurements of the people around her, and she can make outfits for them. Her clothes? Well, that's the Silkworm's "body," and it can instantly change her outfit.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table]