[b]Day 1, Afternoon[/b] Annelise finished downing an entire water bottle before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She’d never sweated so much in such a short amount of time outside of her workouts. She was drenched, really, and beyond fatigued. What with the entire morning and early afternoon running back and forth between patients, this was her first real break. And she wasn’t even running, really, not with her limp. As a result of the crash, Annelise had a bad ankle and a gash starting near her left ear, going down her jaw and ending on her neck. The wound had since been stitched up by one of the nurses whose name currently escaped her, and it was none other than Dr. Biermann who insisted she take it easy. But if Annelise sat down and took a break, then she’d have to listen to her own thoughts, and she’d much rather be doing anything else other than listen to her thoughts. The announcement to buckle up had been made, and Annelise gripped the small, personal bag on her lap. Not much good that did her, not when the aircraft starting jerking about violently. Annelise then closed her eyes and began praying. She hadn’t prayed since she was a little girl, but now it seemed an appropriate time as ever to ask for assistance from a higher being. Hell, she didn’t even seek spiritual guidance when the time for exams came and she believed herself to be on the brink of failing. Not because of her lack of smarts, but because her sleep leading up to such event had practically been non-existent. She was in the middle of her prayer for the nth time when the force from the impact caused her head to be struck by some unknown, heavy object. Annelise was knocked unconscious and remained in such state well into the crew’s efforts to pull bodies from the wreckage, whether alive or not. She only came to a short time just before sunrise, the pain from her injuries growing worse as she shook off the confusion and disorientation of what had transpired. Dr. Biermann was within earshot once she woke up, and he was kind enough to walk over and calm her down by filling her in with the details. The brief details, that is…there was no time to be telling stories. And so now, here she was. Her ankle was throbbing again, but Annelise made the decision to half the pain medication intake just to make it last longer. She hadn’t yet conducted inventory of any medical supplies, but maybe one of the nurses had gotten the job done. If not, that was certainly something she would probably find herself busy with towards the second half of the day if no patient’s condition got worse. Just then she heard some commotion not too far in the distance. She caught Dr. Biermann’s voice and curiosity getting the best of her, Annelise couldn’t help but wonder in that direction. Apparently whatever exchange was going on garnered the attention of those nearby as well. Annelise watched from a distance as the argument unfolded but didn’t necessarily call for intervention. Or at least, that’s what her superior made it out to be when he waved away the approaching help. With a small shake of her head, Annelise turned towards the medical tent once she’d had enough. It was then one of the nurses, Samantha, called out for them, and Annelise did her best to rush in that direction. Eventually upon her arrival, she noted Dr. Biermann already there. [color=orange]"Where do you need me?"[/color]