[b]Autumn Rose Fitzpatrick[/b] [b]Minor[/b] [b]Female, 7[/b] [hider=Image] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/RhQJ4YJV/Autumn.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Marital Status, Sexual Orientation:[/b] [list][*] Single, n/a[/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [list][*] A tiny thing, it's a miracle she survived the crash at all, though some actually attribute her small size to her survival [*] Those who knew her parents would see the resemblance of both in her features, from the dark hair of her father to the bright, honey-brown eyes of her mother [*] She has her mother's face and her father's somewhat comedically large ears, which stick out ever so slightly [*] She is seldom seen without her backpack, in which she carries her com-board, a journal, some pens, and [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/W/MEDIAX_849526-T1/images/I/71+0AWKKppL._AC_SY300_SX300_.jpg]a small plush highlands cow[/url][/list] [b]Psychological Description/Personality:[/b] [list][*] Curiosity is by far her strongest trait, that and innocence [*] She is far too trusting for her own good and has never really been wary of strangers [*] She believes that everyone is good, especially adults, for why would she be told to find one when lost [*] Somewhat gullible, really, she believes most of what people tell her, and it takes a truly absurd claim for her to actually question someone[/list] [b]Education:[/b] Basic elementary [b]Family/Friends:[/b] [list][*] Dr. Jonathan Fitzpatrick - Father - Deceased [*] Nurse Margie Fitzpatrick - Mother - Deceased[/list] [b]Background:[/b] (babysitting again, i swear some day I'll make these more than notes: most important is that her parents died in the crash and she is now all alone. has always been a highly curious child, which has always gotten her into trouble to some degree, most of it harmless.) [b]Other:[/b] [list][*] She is completely deaf and relies on mostly sign language to communicate, though carries a simple com-board and can write when needed [*] She wasn't always deaf but rather lost her hearing around the age of 3 or 4 due to a rare degenerative issue, as a result, she doesn't really remember being able to hear so much as she remembers sound, specifically music, which she still enjoys in a new way [*] She can recognize some categories of sound based on their vibrations and enjoys the rhythmic vibrations of music the most[/list] [b]Direction for your Character:[/b] [list][*] Her curiosity will no doubt get her into trouble one day, be it her wandering too far off into the jungle and not being able to hear a predator coming, or her stumbling across someone's dark secret and them not being too happy about it... [*] I want her to be somewhat of a "sneaky peaky spy" to take the good words of Junie B. Jones, basically she spends her days following others around, with or without their knowledge, and silently collects all the juicy secrets, which she may or may not share with third parties[/list]