[quote=@The Savant] I do not mind having a noble and knight matched up with you but I kind of don't want to completely bound myself to one interactive partner in the roleplay. I'll be flexible on the means, but I would prefer that if you took one of my characters. Either Alfi or Ilia, I would appreciate not double pairing. I'm currently at work, so I'll be up to talking about this more later and I'll be posting Ilia to the GM when I get home and look over him. I'm pretty sure he is done, I just haven't posted him for decision making yet. [/quote] Huh... riiiight, I blame my one-track mind for not even considering the possibility of having two different OOC partners. True, true, alright then. In that case, my 'default' decision is to pair up Millie with Illa. That is, pending any changes from future discussions.