[color=9e0039][b]The Omerta Family and White Gloves [/b][/color] The Royal Court was in session: the courtiers, sycophants, and more than a few jesters gathered before the King’s throne. They each sat silently, waiting with bated breath for their liege to arrive. They didn’t have to wait long, for soon Old King Cole himself arrived with his Queen in tow. Fat Dom took his seat at the head of the long table with Marjorie to his right, and his daughter Lucy to his left. White Gloves and Omertas leadership alike filled up the remaining seats. They sat facing across from each other either on Lucy’s or Marjorie’s side of the table, but all looked to Dominic to explain the reason for this strange impromptu meeting held within the depths of the Ultra Luxe’s inner sanctum. We’ve got a problem,” Dominic began, folding his large hands on the table in front of him, “And we need to do something about it.” “I’ll say we do, those Chairman ruffians..” Marjorie started to say, before Dominic quickly cut her off. “Not the Chairmen,” He said, hushing her, “Not this time. We’ve got bigger problems than some two-bit wanna-be goombahs.” Dominic breathed in deeply, and then exhaled, his gaze shifted between each of the assembled members of the Two Families who’s collective power in Vegas proper was all but unmatched, “Our problem is the NCR: or rather the Van Graffs to be specific. Though the two might as well be the same at this point. More and more they’re encroaching on our territory and burning through goodwill, and its clear to me now that they have no interest in respecting Vegas’s autonomy: if they ever did. We all know damn well too that old Not-At-Home isn’t going to get off his lazy ass in his Penthouse and do anything about it, nor is his little crony Swank. They’ve both given up and accepted their fates. So that leaves us.” “What’s your plan Boss, what are we going to do? We gonna fight?” One of his Omerta’s pipped up. “We can’t fight the NCR military by ourselves. It's madness.” One of the White Gloves added. “What afraid of getting some blood on those gloves?” A second Omerta scoffed. “Perhaps we can outspend them…hire more mercenaries. Perhaps forces from Caesar’s Legion..” Yet another White Glove chimed in. “SHUT IT!” Lucy suddenly shouted, quelling the outbursts from both sides. The bickering former tribals fell silent, and once more Dominic had their undivided attention, “First things first, we need to find out where we stand…gather allies. I’ve spoken with the Vault Dwellers to the North and they are agreeable to friendship…and will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the long run. But they aren’t a military - and we need friends who are.” “What are you suggesting dear?” Marjorie asked, one eyebrow raised. “We send out two letters inviting communication. One to the Brotherhood of Steel, and another to Colonel Abernathy himself. The Brotherhood are not our direct enemies - and are actively at war with the NCR. We’d be fools not to hear them out if they are willing. As for Abernathy - he was recently snubbed by Van Graff leadership, and perhaps he’s willing to entertain other options for his soldiers.” “As for the Legion - that’s exactly why we need to sort out the NCR problem now. If the Legion invades again they’ll likely just pull back and let us get wiped out in a tide of Crimson. We all know what the Legion does - what it plans to do with Vegas.” “Crosses, spikes, and a rapine pillaging or two,” Lucy added with a sardonic chuckle, “And the women get the honor to be Officer’s wives if they’re lucky…” “Exactly - the Legion aren't friends - and I’m not going to trust them as far as I can throw a Centurion. If the Van Graffs won’t clue us in on what’s going on across the Colorado - all that means is it's bad news for us.” “Are we agreed?” Dominic asked finally. Nods, murmurs, and pounding on the table followed. So it was decided. [hr] Sent through a complex network of Omerta chem dealers, raiders, and finally the Khans. The Brotherhood letter reaches someone in power with this message: [i]Leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel, Mojave Chapter: In the interest of a free and independent Vegas, we wish to extend a hand of friendship and discuss the potential for cooperation against our shared foe. We suggest meeting on neutral ground to discuss terms. Leave a white horse nettle flower on the fountain outside the Ultra Luxe to indicate your agreement. [A single white glove is enclosed with the letter.][/i] [hr] Meanwhile an NCR officer coming back from leave on the strip heads to Camp Golf with a few hundred extra caps stuffed in his pocket, not won at any Casino, alongside a small white envelope containing a letter. [i]Colonel, If you are a smart man, which I believe you are, you’ll likely grasp immediately who this letter is from. We’ve both been betrayed by those who are rotting the NCR from within. If you’re willing to discuss this more, then put someone you can trust absolutely on leave. Let them have a good time, and give us your reply. We’ll take it from there. [/i]