[CENTER][h1][color=B3ADAB][b]CATHERINE CORIANDER[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]The rain had picked up with the wind, water hailing against the side of the Crumble Pirates vessel, the ship falling apart much like the fractured skull symbol they represented themselves with. Tensions were high as the crew spent their time eating plain, hastily cooked rice, making shoddy repairs, or arguing about their course of action. They had tucked away in a small harbor, just out of sight from much of the sea, but a cursory patrol would no doubt unveil them. Fear and anxiety were turning to anger, leading to a storm both inside and out. Coriander had gathered at least some of that before she was shoved into a corner of the storage, hemp rope roughly tied around her, pinning her arms to her sides. Turning about, she kept a hard eye on the men, one of whom kept his gun trained on her, the other of which went away on his still damaged leg to find the captain. The tall one remained asked, “You’ve got a tough look on your face for a kid in over her head.” Coriander huffed. [color=B3ADAB]“You’re the one who’s so afraid of a kid you need to keep a gun on her at all times.”[/color] The pirate bared his teeth, finger flexing towards the trigger. Coriander flinched, but he only lowered it, changing his grip so as to not risk firing it. Some minutes later of complete silence, the captain arrive, his face gashed and covered in old scars, like small crevasses running across his face. Despite herself, Coriander felt her front fade away, fear coming to her eyes. Captain “Rustler” Lordian [7 million beri] opened his mouth. “Whos diss?” His lips made it a bit more difficult to talk, which diffused some of Coriander’s fear as he struggled through his own speech. “Local. Bendy was scouting and she found him before I did. We know where the town is but it’s a walk away.” “Shtroms comin’, we can take whhat we need while it’s goin’, then eshcape when it’s done.” “What do we do with her then?” Lordian looked into Coriander’s eyes, the girl tensing up. He shook his head, “Rathher not hurtt a woman of God, but she makes fer good a barganin’ schip.” Coriander felt her brow furrow and unfurrowed. Her voice was soft. [color=B3ADAB]“What does God mean to you? Isn’t this storm a sign that things aren’t going your way?”[/color] Eyes staring into Coriander’s, Lordian took a long, hard look. Turning away, he muttered, “Thas between me an Him.” The pirates moving a bit away from her, there was only one sentry posted. Otherwise, Coriander was left alone with only the sound of wind and rain beating down the hull of the ship.