[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zVLsAqz.png[/img][/center] Danny arrived at the wrestling competition venue feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. He adjusted his mask one last time, ensuring it was securely in place. The venue was packed with enthusiastic spectators, all eager to witness the spectacle of the wrestling matches. Danny made his way to the backstage area. He spotted the organizer of the event and approached him confidently. [color=pink]“Hey, I’m here for the competition,”[/color] Danny said, trying to sound as confident as possible despite the butterflies in his stomach. The organizer looked him up and down skeptically. “You sure you’re in the right place, kid? You don’t exactly look like a wrestler.” Danny chuckled nervously. [color=pink]“I may not look the part, but I assure you, I’ve got what it takes.”[/color] The organizer shrugged. “Alright, suit yourself. You’re up next. Just remember, no funny business. This is a professional event.” Danny nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. There was no backing out now. He stepped into the ring. Then, the cage lowered around the ring. Danny grinned underneath his mask. The cage will actually make this easier. Something to stick to. And now, in this corner! everybody’s favorite wrestler! You know him, you love him Bone Crusher!” The spotlight shone on a hulking man with bulging muscles dressed in all black with a skull mask came roaring out and the audience cheered. Danny rolled his eyes. To him, this guy was a blob of toxic masculinity that reminded him of Skyler. He couldn’t wait to take this wrestler down. And in this corner! The Pink Spider himself, Spiderman!” The audience just murmured skeptically. The spotlight shone on Danny, who was less than amused. [color=pink]“You said that too fast! It’s Spider-Man. There’s a hyphen there. How would you like it if I called him Bonecrusher?”[/color] There were a few chuckles from the audience, but the announcer ignored it, and rang the bell to start the match. Bone Crusher charged at Danny, throwing a wild punch. Danny ducked underneath it with ease, then sprang back up, delivering a swift kick to Bone Crusher’s side. The audience gasped in surprise as Bone Crusher staggered back. The hulking wrestler recovered quickly, charging at Danny once again. This time, Danny leaped into the air, clinging to the bars of the cage. Then, he somersaulted over Bone Crusher’s head, landing gracefully behind him. As Bone Crusher turned around, Danny shot a strand of pink webbing from his wrist, binding the wrestler’s arms together. Bone Crusher struggled against the webbing, but it held tightly. With his opponent immobilized, Danny seized the opportunity to deliver a series of quick punches and kicks. The crowd erupted into cheers as Bone Crusher stumbled and fell to the mat. The referee counted the pin, and Danny’s victory was declared. The audience cheered even louder, impressed by the display of skill and agility from the Pink Spider. The audience started cheering, “Spider-Man! Spider-Man!” — Danny was grinning from ear to ear under his mask. Hw approached the organizer to collect his prize money, he held out his hand expectantly. However, as the organizer handed him the cash, Danny’s smile faltered slightly. [color=pink]“This doesn’t seem like the full amount…”[/color] Danny said, furrowing his brow as he counted the bills. The organizer shrugged nonchalantly. “Sorry, kid. That’s all we can offer you. Take it or leave it.” Danny’s heart sank as he realized he had been shorted. He knew he had earned every penny of the prize money, and he wasn’t about to let the organizer cheat him out of what was rightfully his. “Hey, this isn’t right,” Danny protested. [color=pink]“I won fair and square. You can’t just stiff me like this.”[/color] The organizer just shrugged again. “Look, kid, take it or leave it. It’s not like you have much of a choice.” Danny clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger coursing through him. He knew he could easily overpower the organizer with his superhuman strength, but he also knew that wouldn’t solve anything. Taking a deep breath, Danny forced himself to calm down. [color=pink]“Fine.”[/color] Danny said through gritted teeth, reluctantly accepting the partial payment. Just then, a burglar came in, and robbed the organizer at gunpoint. Danny considered stopping him, but elected not to. That man had it coming after shorting him the money he was rightfully owed. The burglar even thanked Danny as he got away. “Hey, you could have stopped him!” The organizer protested. But Danny said nothing. He just flipped off the organizer as he walked off in a huff. He would eventually come to regret that choice.