[quote=@Izurich] Oh, good point, Rose Boss! Actually I [i]have[/i] been musing plot ideas for my PCs and characters that may be involved with them. Several are in drafts, but two of them are solid enough for me to present to you: 1. [i]Tagging [@The Savant] since this idea centers around Prince Illa.[/i] Okay, since this world's Russia is also invading Ukraine (but being more successful in the endeavor), I imagine that the slavic empire is currently Public Enemy#1 in the political playground. With this context in mind, I think we can have play around with court intrigue surrounding Illa's partnership with Millie. I'm predicting speculations and rumors would arise regarding their relationship, such as: Russia is trying to secure its western borders by gaining an alliance with the Holy Roman Empire via marrying its crown prince with the HRE's princess. Of course, the notion of two powerful empires (both with warmongering history) united in a royal alliance will be quite worrying, not just for Ukraine but for the entire world as well. As such, even though the truth may be that they're [i]just[/i] two students who just so happened to be paired, there'll be... several parties that believe it's in their best interest to sabotage their relationship. 2. [i]Tagging [@Animal] because this idea was inspired by Esme's CS.[/i] Reading Esme's childhood history and the Underground organization gave me an idea that due to her unique spellcasting power, Millie is in their watch list of potential abductees. Her social position and HRE's terrifying might may have put her in the backburner as they'd rather go after 'safer' options such as a low-class orphan (e.g: Esme). However, now that they know The Iron Princess will be attending a private school in an isolated remote region for the foreseeable future, they may try to make their move, [i]especially[/i] if they can use someone else as a scapegoat, it can be Illa, or Alfi, or even the headmaster or one of the teachers. [/quote] I have a hard time envisioning rumors being spread about Russia and the Holy Roman Empire at first because from past discussion. I have it in my head that the school is going to randomly pair knights with nobles. Meaning there was no way to setup an arranged/pre-conclusion teaming. And I do believe if rumors about Illa and Millie form. Lilia will become extremely distant and uninterested with her. He has no ambition to court anyone at the moment and sees no need. His current goal is to be approved by his father and achieve the requirements given to him to take over the throne in the future. Rumors can spread though they will be as hallow as this man. Illa isn't a romantic character, he's not built for it, and if he does court anyone it'll be a long burn to even then. Courting and relationships are not on his mind. And if the rumors get bad enough along with questions, Illa would go out of his way to go to the headmaster of the school to see if he can change nobles. He won't feed into people's entertainment and he's not there for friendships. Edit: I'm at work and on mobile so I might not be explaining this well. We will have to discuss this more later.