[b]Day 1, early evening:[/b] As she reached her left hand out to the refrigeration unit's power switch, Camille La Cour raised her right hand to [i]cross[/i] herself. She looked up to the heavens while thinking to herself [i]Don't blow this fucker up, please[/i]. She understood the irony of simultaneously partaking of the religious gesture and the profanity. Drawing a deep breath, holding it, then releasing it slowly, she flipped the switch. The electric motor jerked to life, followed quickly by the needles flipping to the right on a dozen dials indicating pressure, temperature, flow, and more. After almost a minute, Camille realized she was holding her breath in anticipation. She let it out in a shriek of delight. Looking to her right-hand man, she ordered, [color=orange]"Go tell the Doc the good news: his fridge is up and running and getting cold, [i]fuck[/i] yeah."[/color] The man hurried off to find Doctor Hienmann. The Head of the Medical Team had expressed his concern that morning that they find a way to keep vital medical supplies refrigerated, and now they had it. It hadn't been easy. The cooler in which the medicines had originally been housed had been damaged during the C-130's crash. To power it, Camille had to refit it with parts from the plane itself. The problem was that she couldn't remove the parts from the plane's fuselage without damaging them. The solution had been to install the fridge [i]inside[/i] the wreckage of the transport plane, rather than remove the necessary plane parts and take them to wherever the Doc wanted the cooler to be placed. [i]If the mountain won't come to Muhammad,[/i] Camille thought to herself. She heard footsteps inside the wreckage and turned to find [url=https://i.imgur.com/ynZZqYT.jpeg]Tino[/url] and [url=https://i.imgur.com/f5lGBbJ.jpeg]Aroho[/url] Hanare entering. Camille liked the married Māori couple. They were happy-go-lucky types, always wearing a smile, even considering the situation in which they and the other survivors found themselves. [color=orange]"What's happening?"[/color] Camille asked. [color=orange]"We need more wiring,"[/color] Tino announced. [color=orange]"You mind?"[/color] [color=orange]"No, not at all,"[/color] the Mechanical Chief said. She looked about the interior walls of this portion of the wreckage, adding, [color=orange]"I don't see this thing flying again, so I don't think anyone's going to mind."[/color] The couple went to work, stripping wiring from the walls and rolling the lengths for transport. They shared farewells with Camille, then headed into the jungle near the edge of the current camp. There, they'd been assembling the intact cages to keep the stock animals safe and secure. Using the wire, they bound limbs and poles together to make pens for the pigs and goats. Later, they wanted to build coops for the chickens and ducks, too, but that could wait for now. [color=orange]"How's it going?"[/color] a female voice asked from nearby. The couple turned to see Carol Kingsley approaching. She smiled at what she was seeing, saying, [color=orange]"Makes me want to sing [i]Ol' MacDonald[/i]."[/color] [color=orange]"Thanks, boss,"[/color] Aroho said. [color=orange]"We got a lot of help from the kids, too. They deserve a pat on the back."[/color] [color=orange]"Well, I'm going to get everyone together around the fire tonight for a little update of our situation,"[/color] Carol told them. [color=orange]"I'll be sure to give them their due ... or, better yet, you two should."[/color] The three of them talked about the farm, it's needs, and its future, at which point Tino asked, [color=orange]"Does it have one...? What I mean is ... do you think we're going to be here a while? Is rescue coming soon or not?"[/color] Carol didn't have an answer for that question as of yet. She only told them, [color=orange]"I'll talk about it tonight ... okay?"[/color]