[CENTER][h3][color=a187be]Sara, Daughter of Aliya[/color][/h3] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/534948241825988611/1174472569089429534/image.png?ex=6567b7d1&is=655542d1&hm=0ac3def3fc8f9660bc4ffa5b117bd076001fdea39f99c6fc0387a65fdaacb1b6&=[/img] [/CENTER] As Lucas called the meeting to order, Sara gave him her attention. Though he had referred to invoking prophecy as a sin, Sara had her doubts as most rules concerning scions were more a matter of church decree than scriptural, though she understood the need for prohibition against abusing one's powers. As the prophecy started, Sara clasped her hands together, quietly reciting along with the all too familiar words, but as Lucas continued well past the point of familiarity, Sara squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to force her ears to concentrate and her mind to remember. She shuddered slightly as she listened, trying to interpret the prophecy on the fly. Part of her was inclined to reject it as Lucas making up prophecy, but she did not take him for a blasphemer, and the details in the language of the new part of the prophecy matched with the part that she was used to hearing. She could only see this as a powerful, revelatory moment that she was blessed to partake in. Even after the prophecy finished, Sara kept her hands clasped, muttering prayers of thanks and forgiveness, letting herself live fully in the present to imbibe this sacred hour. Finally she looked up, staring at Lucas with conviction. [color=a187be]"I have no questions, your Highness, but I did want to share the good word. Among the intel on our enemies that was revealed to us prior, there was mention of the name, 'Termina'. This apocryphal name evokes the fear of some dark goddess. But rejoice, my brethren! For the prophecy has made the truth clear to us. Termina's blood is red, like ours. She is mortal. A powerful mage, perhaps. A charlatan and deceiver, certainly. But mortal, nonetheless. Your Highness, I will be the first to admit that I have misjudged you. As one mentioned in the prophecy as well, yours is a heavy burden indeed. I will lend you and this gathering what strength is in me. Incepta be praised! Long live her light!"[/color] At this, Sara closed her eyes again, welling with tears as she lowered her head, reclasped her hands and seemed to resume praying.