"Let me confer with my associate," said Fluffybiscuits. She did a crunch, pulling herself up forehead to forehead with Berserker, legs still locked behind Berserker's neck - she was very flexible. Then she started hurriedly muttering in what might have been a negotiation or might have been her buying a few seconds to think by making panicky fox noises at a wall of metal and anger. "If it were up to me, I'd take your deal," said Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits. "But Berserker here has a condition. She's worried about her ability to beat you in a fair fight -" Berserker snarled and tried to shake Kat off. The foxgirl shrieked and clung to her arm with all four limbs. She did her best to continue with her super cool negotiation speech despite the position. "- s-so! She says that it has to be okay if her favour is to make you lose a fight! And also that I can use her favour -" she is shaken even more heavily. "eeeee! On her behalf! Because she doesn't really talk muuuuuuuuch!" Katherine is doing her best. She's in [i]deeply [/i]over her head but she knows enough to know that she'll get Yelled At if she lets Mrs. Saber walk away. Being able to argue that she's worked things out so that they could deal with the problem whenever they needed to - no foxgirl could argue with [i]that[/i], not even Actia. She might be new to girling but she had enough fox experience to know how to stack a deck, at least a little.