[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] A palpable energy and tumultuous whispers rode swirls of rushing wind when the box was broken, leaving no doubts in MacKensie that she'd correctly carried out James' directives. Disgusted and alarmed, she recoiled back a step, shaking the foot she'd smashed the phylactery with, trying to rid herself of any stain, in case it stuck to the leather sole of her shoe like a bad smell. As the feelings and sounds dissipated, her focus returned back to the room and the greater threat. The old man - the lich, as James had called him - was now on the floor, struggling to defend himself against the combined efforts of Adam's oak tree and James' light beams. Fenna, Zell and Barracker had chased the Greater Wraith up to the ceiling. The entrance to the chamber was now sufficiently barred and nobody was coming to save their masters. It felt like Second Chance was on the cusp of victory. But it wasn't over just yet. And whatever nasty surprise the Greater Wraith was charging up was best avoided if at all possible. Off her back foot she sprang with great acceleration, running back to the action. The mechanical double-click sound of the ranger working the bolt-action signalled she was ready to aim as she sprinted. The pop and twang sound signalled a bullet shot, the holy fire enchantment making it look like she was firing golden tracer rounds - a beautiful sight amid the chaos. One wraith she hit was gliding in to engage Fenna and interrupt her concentration, but MacKensie had put an end to that idea with the timely interception. Another wraith she hit actually burned up into nothingness with a dying screech - it had already been injured after crossing blades with Zell. She arrived on the main battle line with her friends, dodging around the attacking oak tree and letting off a close range shot at the Lich as she lept past him. Had she possessed the Source Crystal back in high school, her Long Jump personal record would have been crushed, such was the massive distance she covered, even managing to pass by Zell with the spear before landing next to Fenna and dipping back into her ammo pouch for more bolts. From under the Greater Wraith, the magical noise of the charging spell was louder than ever, generating tension within her similar to the feeling she felt when Aurok the Maneater was launching it's final attack. She only prayed that they could kill it while it was defenceless, and so she fired a bolt upwards, launched her dagger with a pirouetting underhand fling, before smoothly reloading and firing again.