[i][b]—— Earth-F67X: North Capital City: Flatiron [/b][/i] Han’s question snapped Dom to bitter reality, a candid picture of the group in which he was now an embed. Too late for second thoughts. The HKT attracted crazies, and Han was a prime example. Either that, or maybe he just didn’t have what it took to purge Earth of alien filth. That car ride. He winced. Hoped he wasn’t seen as he entered and exited her fancy vehicle, air conditioning be damned. Behind the wheel, she was smooth, perfect, calm. Mechanical, even. A little eerie. And the side roads she took him down, his leg right twitched non-stop and he kept his grip on his sidearm at rest on his thigh — just incase he was her target. Reality past caught up with present, and he turned to her, [i]“Oh, so ya decided to follow, huh. How about we just watch this one for the moment, ya know, broad daylight, kids playing on the sidewalk. Not a good look to disturb that,”[/i] Dom answered. Her eyes were dead, he realized. No emotion at all. Crazy white girl unloaded her machine gun in broad daylight, like an old time gangster movie. Dead ass. [i]“This is for us, Earth’s people. Community. Plus, we don’t wanna tour of Fishkill, ya know?”[/i] he joked, [i]“So we watch, wait, and see where he goes. Keep the job clean, dirt free.”[/i]