[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Professor Alto admitted his forfeit, and Iraleth lowered her knife from his throat in response, exhaling slowly as she sheathed her weapons, trying to catch her breath. Pizza certainly sounded good, given she'd not had some in quite a while. But a bribery of food wasn't going to go far in winning any esteem back, especially after her pointed ears caught the last bit he'd murmured. 'Later' was a rather vague term. It could be tomorrow. It could be the end of the term. How stingy. That, and it didn't quite make up for the nonsense he'd put them all through, especially Davil. Iraleth turned her back on him, looking back in Ciara, Chloe, and Rio's direction. She afforded the witch, or Astra knew whatever she was, a brief nod, catching her eye and shifting her eyes in Chloe's direction for a bit. Despite their differences, they could at least agree in not letting the other half-elf get her way in this situation. Or at all, at this rate. [b]"Behave yourself."[/b] She said straight to Chloe. [b]"Lest you want to be defeated in one move again."[/b] With that done, she turned back to glance at whatever the professor was doing to end the overcharge, only to be met with Chunji and Otis's words in short order. A frown. [b]"Are Otis's words true, professor? [i]You've[/i] done enough to Davil as it is today. I'd think it would be best to at least make sure he's secured before we return."[/b] [@ERode] [@AThousandCurses] [@Estylwen]