[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Acendia, Room 103 Fountain[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] [b][i]“Right. It's a win for you guys, you punched a hole in my PB."[/i][/b] The moment the professor said that, the adrenaline and endorphins that were masking the pain of Ciara's injuries pulled back like a scabbed bandage, reopening the wound. Ciara hissed where she was on the ground, dropping the borrowed sword numbly. [b][i]"I thought it'd be a lot to ask for day one, but you all pulled through. Nice work.”[/i][/b] Ciara blinked where she was. The professor was back to his old self. Or, was his ‘old self’ just a mask for who he truly was - what [i]she[/i] truly saw - when he was on the battlefield? How he shamelessly associated her with [i]Umbralists.[/i] Now what? Was she just supposed to forget that? Ciara narrowed her eyes, a sour taste in her mouth as they claimed victory. [b][i]"Let me go! I was almost able to[/i] really[i] teach him a lesson. Then he'd learn not to take us so lightly."[/i][/b] Ciara's scowl deepened, and she roughly held Chloe down.[b] “It's over, stand down.”[/b] [b][i]"Thanks for that. I'd have done it myself, but apparently I overestimated where I stand in comparison to our 'amazing' instructor.”[/i][/b] Rio's response surprised Ciara, and for a moment she was at a loss for words. Positive reinforcement wasn't something she was, well, entirely used to. She stared for a long moment, before offering a weak shrug.[b] “It's nothing.”[/b] After Rio heartily chewed Chloe out, Ciara slowly released her, satisfied that she was finished and they could put this messy battle behind them. Ciara shakily got to her feet, removing a sock, tearing it into two strips, and tying the gashes at her inner elbows with the help of her teeth. It was with a bandage half in her mouth that she caught Iraleth's eyes, and the subtle nod. An understanding. Ciara gave a nod back. It took two to pull off the final move. One to restrain Chloe, one to restrain the professor. Of course she admired the light. Of course this upcoming duel would be more challenging because of it. But she couldn't afford to lose. Even if rebound took her that evening. With the pet missing and the professor bribing everyone with a pizza party back in 'their world’, Ciara found herself listening carefully to Otis's words. [i]“Follow the dark.”[/i] Thought the Voice. [i]“What if the dark one is wrong?”[/i] [i]“So? It isn't tasty, not like the light.”[/i] Ciara bit her lip. The Voices referred to the pet, of course. Expendable. She considered her options for a moment, before she picked up her sword, re-established her barrier, and glanced at the professor. [b]“Ready.”[/b]