As they neared the city of Whiterun, the symphony of urban life crescendoed—whispers of bustling streets, the savory aroma of cooked food, and the fragrant blend of herbs and blooming flowers from the surrounding fields and farms. The vibrant tapestry of Whiterun's vitality unfolded before them. Lyra's mention of the Old Hroldan Inn prompted a flicker of uncertainty in Finrod's thoughts. [i]I don't even know, really...[/i] he confessed to himself, keen on avoiding the appearance of indecision. Crafting an answer on the fly, he responded, "I'm not precisely sure, but my assumption is that it's a safe haven for the night. The journey to Karthspire is a two-day endeavor, and the inn conveniently aligns with our path." [i]Yet, why do I feel drawn to it?[/i] he pondered privately. Attempting to strengthen his rationale, Finrod continued, "It might be a precautionary measure. Perhaps camping in the wilderness poses a risk, a sign of potential danger along the route. Civilization is scarce between here and Karthspire." He gazed towards Lyra, gauging her reaction, before posing the question, "What do you think? We could reach the inn by nightfall, providing a sense of security in the unfamiliar terrain."