[center][h1][color=gray]Tobikatte Kira[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3]MicroMart Front - Semi Trailer Rooftop[/h3][/center] [color=gray]"[b]HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!"[/b][/color] She wasn't even aware her voice could [i]produce[/i] a shriek that high-pitched. But as the blood poured from her shoulder, so did the blood-curdling noise pour from her throat. She stumbled back a step, just from the shock of the sudden pain, and of seeing her arm dangling in the grasp of her [i]adversary[/i]. Rage (and a healthy dose of adrenaline) soon quelled the pain - the first plan of action to form in Kira's mind was to grab her arm back from the palemancer and proceed to beat him to death with it, even as he raised his weapon for another swing at her. But she never got the chance to act on that idea and bring the mental image to life, as the next thing she knew, the trailer beneath her feet was lurching toward the side she was facing. She watched the palemancer get thrown from the trailer entirely, taking her arm with him, while the diagonal pull of gravity on her body caused her to turn toward the front of the truck and fall onto her back on the edge of the trailer rather than off of it completely. The collision with the cold metal forced her mind to clear, causing her to register the wetness running down her right side. [color=gray][i]Fuckin' prick! Just haaaad to give 'im my right arm. Idiot![/i][/color] Next she registered the night sky above her, which was soon eclipsed by one of the zombie lizardpeople attempting to leap on top of her, the figure appearing upside-down in her vision. Acting completely on instinct, Kira performed a side roll, moving her not only out of the paleguard's path, but also off the trailer entirely. Or it would have, had she not shifted her gravity to pull herself onto the side wall of the trailer. She'd gotten just enough airtime from the change in surface orientation to swing her legs under herself, allowing her to quickly get to her feet and stand sideways on the top edge of trailer's wall - placing her directly between the paleguard and the still airborne palemancer. Bending down to hold her torso upright, Kira held her left arm up in front of her and fired off a Melody. [color=gray]"Fuck off!"[/color] Kira then fell backward, bending her knees and using her left arm to hold herself in a bridge pose on the wall of the trailer, in order to dodge out of the way of the palemancer's soon to be airborne body. [color=gray]"Yank!"[/color] The projectile struck the paleguard just after it landed where she'd been laying, and the gravitational pull that acted on it sent it flying directly above Kira - putting it on a collision course with the palemancer. With the most immediate threat out of her hair for a moment, she quickly assessed the situation she now found herself in. She knew Espers were a hardy bunch, capable of regrowing limbs if needed, but not fast enough to avoid bleeding out from an untreated wound, and being down an entire limb would make her much less effective in a fight. She had to take care of her shoulder [i]now[/i]. Deciding the best course of action was to get the hell out of the fight for a moment, Kira dropped from her bridge pose to lay on her back, hugged her remaining arm to herself, and side rolled down the wall of the trailer. Her speedy little side roll carried her down toward the ground, though moving this way prevented her from even seeing what had become of her earlier Zone Melody. When she reached the bottom of the trailer, she altered her gravity one more time, pulling upward to keep herself from touching the ground. Even with the reduced space between the ground and the now dipped trailer, Kira was able to slip in and hide herself beneath the hulking mass of metal. Finally, her rolling came to a stop, leaving her laying on her back on the underside of the trailer, facing the pavement. If someone looked under from the dipped side, she'd be completely hidden from view, albeit completely visible to anyone looking from the side that's now lifted. With hopefully a moment's peace, Kira reached under the hem of her now blood soaked white hoodie and pulled it up over her head, freeing most of her torso and her right shoulder from the garment. She also produced one of the several packs of medical supplies she had taken with her from one of the pockets lining the inside. Using her one remaining non-dominant hand, along with her teeth, she began the process of stemming, cleaning, and bandaging up her shoulder, which would have to involve bandaging across her torso and under her left arm. [center][Hider=]28 | Female | Freelancers | Mobile Trace-Equipped Cockpit School of the Undefeated of the East | Hands | Physical | Winds of the King Active Mass Balance Auto-Control | Assault Shroud Fool Whose Soul is Bound by Earth's Gravity | Gravity | Psychoframe Resonance [Weightless, Suspend], Pull, Slow, Restrain, Zone, AOE, Extend, Full Extend, Delay, Orbit, Powerful, Quicken, Purify DAMAGE: C | SPEED: B | SENTINEL: E | 1000 [Silver Projectile][Pull] -30 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | 482[/hider][/center]