Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits has received compliments before - but not like this! Most of her compliments were things like 'good girl!' and 'Oh! Big yawn!" and that kind of thing. And she *was* a good girl, and she did have big yawns while she was sleepy, but she'd never been complimented on her wisdom before. Saber had even called her wise twice - oh! Was she wise? She'd kind of thought she was flailing wildly, but maybe she'd been filled with Fox Wisdom all along, maybe like that big mountaintop fox shrine that Yue had to spend a whole day hiking to get up to. People probably didn't build shrines like that to silly foxes. Kat visualized herself as having a shrine like that all of her own. Sitting comfortably with a mountain view while people hiked all the way up to bring her treats and ask to listen to her wisdom. Now that was a life for a fox! She puffed up her chest with pride and excitement. "Of course it's a deal!" she said sagely, in a tone she thought a wise sage fox might use. A foxy instinct twitched - was she really? - no, Saber had explained that too. Where she came from the foxes were honoured - maybe they all had mountain shrines? So she was trading on their reputation, which was a meaningfully cunning fox move to begin with. "My name is Katherine Isabella Fluffy -" she caught herself just in time. She was impersonating a mountain sage fox! She liked Fluffybiscuits but it wasn't [i]wise[/i]. "- mountains. Fluffymountains. That's my name. Fluffymountains the fifth. M.D." She shrieked as a wave of Berserker's arm almost hurled her off the side of the castle.