Here is the description for curses and artifacts so you scrubs won't get confused anymore [hider=Artifacts & Curses][table][row][/row][row][cell][h2][b][color=black]ARTIFACTS[/color][/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][sup][i]"In the heart of every artifact lies a story waiting to be told."[/i][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]Across the All-Verse, amidst the whispers of forgotten civilizations, lie items of unimaginable power and mystery imbued with magical power known as an [b]Artifact[/b] - Enigmatic relics deeply rooted in human belief and thought. Across the All-Verse, there are [i]countless[/i] artifacts created by Adepts with Orange-Lux, Apparitions, or some artifacts spawned from the collective consciousness of mankind. They take many shapes and sizes, and [i]many [/i]horde them for their raw power and what they can do. Artifacts are separated into two different groups: [b]Abstraction-Granting Artifacts,[/b] and [b]Non-Abstraction Granting Artifacts[/b], and the difference is simple. Abstraction-granting artifacts are relics that, when wielded by an individual, are attuned to their power, bestowing upon the user a specific Abstraction. These can range from elemental manipulation to psychic abilities, reflecting the nature of the Artifact. The main difference between this type of artifact and other kinds is that Abstraction-Granting Artifacts turn the Blind/One-Eye-Open into Agents and can [i]not[/i] be wielded by any other form of Paranormal-Being. Non-Abstraction Granting Artifacts function differently, and [i]can[/i] be used by anyone, even the most potent Paranormal-Being. Their magical abilities lie inside them, not bestowing an Abstraction. When wielded or activated, these artifacts exert their influence through various means, ranging from subtle manipulation to overt displays of power. These range from a magical sword to opening portals, protecting the wielder from curses, etc. These relics echo forgotten civilizations, lost knowledge, and untold mysteries. They are the keys to unlocking the universe's secrets and are the catalysts for change. Yet, for all their power, artifacts remain a mystery, their true nature known only to those with the courage and ambition to seek them out.[/cell][/row][row][/row][row][cell][h2][b][color=black]CURSES[/color][/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][sup][i]"Curses are the silent whispers of history, the lingering shadows of forgotten sins, and the dark echoes of human suffering. However, they hold a hidden strength waiting to be explored."[/i][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]There exists a darkness that defies explanation, a malevolent force that lurks in the dark shadows of the human psyche. These are the curses, ancient and insidious, born from the depths of human belief and emotion. These curses weave a tale of despair and destruction, leaving their mark on the souls of those unfortunate enough to be ailed by them. They are manifestations fueled by anger, hatred, and/or despair and imbued with the power to wreak havoc upon those who incur their wrath. Curses can be physical, psychological, environmental, or even more abstract. Much like artifacts, there are countless and diverse artifacts throughout the All-Verse. Still, most of them are created by Apparitions - others are created through Blue-Lux users and even rituals or by human belief, emotion, and intent - spawning from intense suffering, betrayal, or injustice. Again, much like artifacts, Curses can be divided into [b]Abstraction-Granting Curses[/b] and [b]Non-Abstraction Granting Curses.[/b] Abstraction-Granting Curses, from a certain point of view, can be considered a gift as they can grant a transformation, psychic abilities, and more. While cursed individuals may gain access to newfound powers or abilities, these come at a steep cost of losing life or a form of corruption. Every Abstraction-Granting Curse has a cost no matter what, and only the Blind/One-Eye-Open can receive an Abstraction-Granting Curse. On the other hand, Non-Abstraction Granting Curses are curses that anyone can receive and do not grant any boons or power whatsoever. They are strictly curses and come in many different forms, and [i][b]anyone[/b][/i] can receive these types of curses. From the depths of history to today, curses have created a tapestry of fear, despair, and tragedy throughout the All-Verse and are a present and daunting threat to those aware of them. They are the bringers of doom, the whispers of forgotten sins, and the neverending reminders of how fleeting human life is. Yet, despite adversity, there remains a glimmer of hope, a belief in the power of resilience, redemption, and the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of curses.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider]