Some characters that I think Esty might remember [table][row][cell][h2][b]Jake[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Valos[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]27 | Jake Daniel Valos | He/Him[/b][hr][i]"The Valos have fought for a lot of things: Money, pride, honor, love, retribution... Can we add the "right thing" to the list?"[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]One of the children of the illustrious Jason Valos, a Casino, Restaurant, and Hotel tycoon who owns businesses all over the West Coast. Jason was a billionaire and could shower his children with wealth and the life he never had! Leaving Jake, his twin sister Gabe, and their various siblings in the hands of maids and butlers - with loads of money. Hilarity ensues. Jake was technically born in St. Portwell but only spent his summers there with his twin sister and younger brother, Jaska. The Valos didn't have a high standing in the city [s]or wherever they went[/s] mainly since, wherever the Valos went, [i]chaos[/i] followed. Jake and his sister Gabe were inseparable. They were known for causing trouble, partying, and having adventures on their daddy's dime. Things were great... until their newest little brother, Jaska, was thrown through the window. While Daddy Valos was known for sleeping around, Jaska had [i]wings![/i] Alongside another secret, magic was real, a factoid they were made well aware of when Jaska transformed into a hulking monstrosity when a trigger phrase was mentioned around him. Jaska went on a rampage throughout the Valos Mansion, causing Jake and Gabe to undergo their Kindling Events, but Daddy Valos came in to restrain Jaska long enough to transform back to normal. Naturally, the Valos twins were confused... but now they had magic to elevate their hi-jinks! Such as fighting the Stygian Snake! As one faithful summer, darkness overcame St. Portwell, the Stygian Snake. Jake and Gabe were at a party with the "commoners" that was attacked by a monstrous brute known as Scott Reese. They survived and fought him off using their magic, but one of the people they partied with, Claire O'Sullivan, roped them into the Coven to fight the Stygian Snake. And the Valos were never ones to miss out on an adventure. They saw it all... met friends that died the same day, fought against a demi-God, and more! Usually, they stuck to their clique, which eventually ended up being the rich kids (Except Sloane; all of them [i]hated[/i] Sloane). However, as the battle with the Stygian Snake intensified, they did something drastic: Roped Jaska in. He was a powerful force but a difficult-to-control one similar to Vashti and her Leviathan. With the help of Pink Lux, they managed to temper Jaska's Outer-Devil and help defeat the Stygian Snake! However, they were harshly criticized by the other members of the Coven for their decision to use a nine-year-old as a superweapon. With the Old Coven also becoming a clusterfuck as various secrets came to light, the Valos twins decided to step out and move on with their lives simply. Jake was built up to be the successor for his father's empire in the coming years, and he got into a relationship with his fellow Coven-mate, Lin. Life was good... until the murders started, and he felt like he was on the chopping block. He rejected Auri's invitation, however, as he wanted nothing to do with Sycamore anymore. That phase of his life was over. [/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red Lux.[/i] Channeler: Gold Pocketwatch. [indent][b]Photomancy:[/b] Jake's primary spell, one that he had been practicing since the battle with the Stygian Snake. He can create durable constructs made of light and illusions that he used to fool the Stygian Snake's minions. [b]Aquamancy:[/b] Jake can manipulate water in a wide radius and throw a tidal wave the size of a one-story house. [b]Pyromancy:[/b] A spell group taught to him by Gabe that he's not that good at because pyromancy was the exact opposite of his personality. He can create little fireballs, but nothing spectacular... he rarely uses it anyway.[/indent] [/cell][/row] [row][cell][h2][b]'Gabe'[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Valos[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]27 | Gabriela Mya Valos Jr | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Give me a reason, and I'll burn your urethra shut!"[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Where her twin-brother, Jake, is a calm and reasonable person... Gabe is the exact fucking opposite. She is very firey and passionate and will fight tooth and nail for the people she cares about (which was the wealthy clique in the Old Coven). Gabe is known for being practically glued to her twin brother and was by his side during all their major life events. She was there for Jaska's first rampage through the Valos mansion, for the fight against the Stygian Snake, and when Jake proposed to Lin. Let's take it back to the fight with the Stygian Snake: Gabe wasn't precisely a well-liked member; in fact, she was an asshole. However, they could not argue with the fact that Gabe was a [i]powerhouse[/i] that managed to stagger the Stygian Snake at some point. She was the primary enforcer and protector in the Rich Clique and protected the softer members, such as Lin, Sage, and her brother, from assholes like George Nelson and Emily G. Reed. However, she and Jake made the conscious decision to drag their little brother, Jaska, into the Old Coven, and their already shitty reputation in the Old Coven somehow got worse. Having enough of these annoying dumbasses, Gabe and Jake left the Old Coven. While Jake was built up to be the next ruler of the Valos Enterprise, Gabe decided to spend her life partying! She parted from her brother, who had gotten with fellow Old Coven member Lin and spent the next leg of her life partying, traveling the world. While they were known for being joined by the hip, her brother was busy training to become the next big tycoon and eating out his girlfriend. However, while Gabe was out partying, something felt off... this wasn't her true calling, and she felt like she needed to go home after this many years of doing nothing of value with her life. The murders began, Auri extended the invitation to her, and she told Auri to eat her ass.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red Lux.[/i] Channeler: [indent][b]Laser Beam Emission:[/b] Much like her brother, her primary spell has something to do with light. Unlike her brother, it focused more on raw power... She could gather the light around her and project it as a deadly beam that moves at the speed of light that burns the air around her. This laser beam was [i]hot[/i] to say the least. She can control the size of the laser - the wider the beam, the larger the radius, but the smaller the beam, the more focused it becomes. This spell, when boosted, was powerful enough to damage the Stygian Snake enough to force it to retreat in one instance, but otherwise, it allowed her to cleave through the Stygian Snake's minions. [b]Superheating:[/b] Gabe could heat a part of her body, or an object she touches, up so much that it glows [i]orange.[/i] With this ability, she is the hot knife that cuts through people like butter, and she can heat metal enough so that it melts. [b]Over-Friction:[/b] Gabe can enhance the friction she creates to the point where it creates [i]fire[/i]. She can create fire by manipulating air friction to enhance her strikes through this spell. [b]Flammable Liquid Manipulation:[/b] Gabe can manipulate flammable liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, oil, and other volatile liquids and cause them to combust at will... these flames will be far hotter but somehow burn much, much, slower.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Lin[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Liu[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]26 | Linda Adelle Liu | [/b][hr][i]"What in the world did Mika get us into...?"[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Known as [i]Lin.[/i] A wealthy member of the Old Coven was the second (known) daughter of the magnanimous Jiao-Long Liu. The Liu family comes from money from Hong Kong, and Linda was fortunate enough that her father was a genius who owned the Liu Biomedical Company. He was a successful company with the resources to shower Lin in everything she wanted. However, she grew up sheltered, and in addition to her social skills, the girl was always timid, never having the backbone to stand up for herself as someone typically did for her. That someone was usually her older sister, Mika, but she was working on herself through therapy. However, even from high up on her tower, Lin could feel the darkness cast over the city by the Stygian Snake. Over the summer, her parents went on vacation while Lin elected to stay home and noticed a suspicious amount of people turning up dead in the news due to a "natural disaster." That natural disaster turned up on her front door as it was the Stygian Snake, and it famously flattened the Liu Estate in which Lin stayed. It caused her Kindling-Event, and she would have been killed if it wasn't for her peer, Sage Pimm. Sage roped her into the Old Coven, and she felt like an alien - the Old Coven was a wild beast primarily comprised of people she wasn't used to dealing with normal teenagers. So, Lin stayed in the little clique of affluent peers that valiantly offered to fight the Stygian Snake, which were the Valos twins, Jaska, Sylvia, Sage, and Trisha. Lin didn't branch out beyond that; she was otherwise just a footsoldier in the war against the Stygian Snake. She was close to Jake Valos, and it fostered a friendship between them that eventually blossomed into a relationship. However, once the Stygian Snake was defeated, Lin wanted nothing to do with magic and was among the first to hit the door - serving herself afterward. Lin was pretty content living the rest of her life in her father's shadow and being Jake Valos's girlfriend. However, as she grew as a person and became more than just the timid, wealthy daughter of Jiao-Long, she regretted her choice to live without magic. She wished she had kept it, but there wasn't much she could do about it now that she was severed. Recently, Jake proposed to her, and now they are getting married! And she is getting her chance of regaining magic... The murders began, and suddenly, Lin found herself regressing. She got an invitation back to the Coven from Auri, but unlike Trisha, she gave Auri a polite "no" and kept it moving. Her father's security detail would do more for her than the Coven ever would. Lin is a pureblooded Chinese woman who stands at five-seven and is very bony and nerdy-looking. She is very unassuming and unthreatening.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] [indent]Lin was originally a Red Adept and used fire and light magic during the fight with the Stygian Snake. After it was defeated, she decided she wanted nothing to do with magic and severed herself, one of her vast regrets.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table]