After the fight was over, Danny made his way back to where he left Chase and Alex. Despite the chaos, he was glad they managed to resolve the situation without Disneyland getting destroyed or anyone getting hurt. [color=pink]"Hey guys!"[/color] Danny greeted them with a smile. [color=pink]"Sorry about that. Just had to take care of something real quick."[/color] Chase grinned. [color=00a99d]"No worries, dude. But bro, you missed a lot! There were Fireworks, and Spider people fighting a big green lizard! It was awesome!"[/color] Alex, however, eyed Danny with suspicion. [color=orange]"Yeah, it was definitely a spectacle all right."[/color] He remarked cryptically. [color=orange]“It’s unfortunate they came out after you left, and they leave just as you come back…”[/color] Danny's heart skipped a beat, wondering if Alex had caught on to his secret identity as Spider-Man. He tried to play it cool, and shrugged. [color=pink]"Yeah, talk about bad timing. I heard about it from people talking. It must have been really cool."[/color] Chase chuckled, oblivious to the tension between Alex and Danny. [color=00a99d]"Totally! Anyway, how about we grab some churros and call it a night? My treat!"[/color] Danny breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the change of subject. [color=pink]"Sounds good to me!"[/color] he replied, eager to put the events of the evening behind him.