Caty returned to the group of girls pretending as if nothing had ever happened. She gently grabbed Karolina's shoulders from behind and said, [color=E137E3]"I told you, I'd be back. What I miss?"[/color] [color=1aff8c]"What'd you miss!?"[/color] Gert exclaimed. [color=1aff8c]"As soon as you left Nico spotted a giant Lizard on the castle. Then two Spider-Heroes fought him!"[/color] [color=E137E3]"Wow. That sounds pretty awesome. I saw the fireworks when I was with my brother, but I missed all of that."[/color] Caty said. [color=E137E3]"I'm glad no one got hurt."[/color] [color=cc99ff]"Yeah, it was crazy."[/color] Nico said unamused with Caty's attempts at hiding the truth. [color=ffec80]"Yeah. I'm glad you're okay, Caty."[/color] Karolina added before averting her eyes. She couldn't believe what she had witnessed and the fact that she---no. She shouldn't even be thinking about that right now. [color=ff3399]"I couldn't see a thing."[/color] Molly gruffed. [color=ff3399]"No one wanted to shoulder me."[/color] [color=1aff8c]"I offered."[/color] Gert corrected. [color=ff3399]"You're barely taller than me!"[/color] Molly announced disappointed in missing what had happened. [color=ff3399]"One day I'll be a superhero and beat up all kinds of giant things!"[/color] Karolina and Caty laughed together. [color=ffec80]"I'm sure you will, Molly."[/color] Karolina said, affirming her young friend. [color=E137E3]"But remember to protect as well."[/color] Caty added before noticing Nico eyeing her. Did she know she was Spider-Woman? Did they all? Karolina seemed like she did as well. If they did, she was okay with it. She trusted them and they didn't try to call her out on it. Most importantly she was able to help a man regain his humanity and return to his family. She'd risk her secret a thousand times over if it meant protecting people. Caty hoped that New York was okay while they were gone. The girls continued to enjoy the rest of the night together and she gave all of them her number, even Molly, even though she didn't have a cell phone yet. But she assured her she'd call on her house phone to ask her about life and New York. [hr] The Davis Family returned to New York to find it not at all how they left it. There was a lot of damage to the city and thankfully their house and school was undamaged. But for the most part everything was okay. Some lives were lost, but a group known as The Avengers came together to protect the city and the world from a Norse god and his army of Frost Giants. He apparently even controlled a giant green creature filled with Rage that eventually turned against him and joined the side of the heroes. What was with the Big Green theme this week? Caty was disappointed that she missed out on the world's first big superhero team-up. They had Tony Stark, freaking Captain America from World War Two, and a flying superwoman. And to make it even worse? They had two partnered creepy crawly themed heroes named Ant-Man and Wasp! And an actual spider-themed hero named Black Widow! She couldn't believe it. This was the Spider-Twins' time to shine. No, they didn't do this for fame or glory. What they did in Anaheim was much bigger. Who cares if it got drowned out in the news of the Avengers? She actually preferred it that way. This way the Connors family could know peace while they figured things out. Maybe she'd check on him one day as Spider-Woman, but as a friend.