[@Estylwen][@Psyker Landshark][@ERode][@AThousandCurses][@Sifr] [b][h3]ASCENDIA, ROOM 103 FOUNTAIN[/h3][/b] From within the leyline, Chunji would witness the same event repeat itself, the same axe-wielding figure cleaving apart innocent commoners. As far as he could tell, nothing was changing within its landscape, and nobody stuck out as new or different - certainly no panicking Davil to be spotted darting about. Any trace of the boy seemed to vanish, at least within Chunji's vision. It was clear that the boy had vanished entirely, and was nowhere in sight. Alto regarded Chunji with a nod, cringing slightly at the boy's wounds and the creature he had brought forth from them. Then, he would return to face Iraleth. "Davil will be fiiiine. Otis was correct - if the kid disappeared, he'll show back up when we're out. There's really nothing to it!" Chloe, stunned into silence, would finally pipe up with her jaw agape after Iraleth's jab. "What in winds' name did you just say? Say it again. Speak!" The girl hopped to her feet and took a stomp forward, but was met with Rio's arm blocking her path, giving her a disapproving shake of the head. "We're done. All that's separating you from naptime is one smack," he would state plainly, then look towards Iraleth with a grin. "Besides, paladin's got a lot of juice left. I guess Astran knights really are trained as well as the preachers preach, yeah?" Letting out a sigh, the frill-elf turned away in a scowl as she rebuilt her barrier for the exit trip. There was uncertainty in her eyes as she turned away, looking out into the woods, scanning back and forth with her limited vision as best she could amongst the sea of green. Rio stood by her, his own defenses repaired as he closed his eyes in thought. "Alright! Taking us back now. No need to panic, we're all going to be okay," Alto would shout out so that students could hear him regardless of their position - perhaps even calling for Davil, in the hope that he'd somehow hear. The sounds of breaking branches would echo across the area, and the familiar heat from Compact 3's entry into this place would return. Would Chunji look towards the leyline again, he would see the rivers of vines underground begin breaking apart and seemingly burning to cinders, falling as ashen rain onto the burning farmlands further down. The trees around them would begin to light ablaze as well, catching fire slowly. Alto seemed to pay this no mind, as if it were expected, and snapped his fingers. And just like that, once again, vision would cut out for all inside, once the last vine had broken - seemingly in tune with the snapping of the professor's fingers. The same feeling of gut-wrenching speed across vast distances would overtake the students, impacting again and again against the Personal Barriers of all involved. And then, they would be back. Vision would return, and the moderately warm room of 103 would be before them. They would already be at their desks, with one notable exception: Davil was nowhere to be found. The instructor, with the smile on his face slowly breaking, would weakly utter, "...Oh no." Upon lowering his barrier, a defense no longer required, Hildegunde's bullet would fly out of nowhere and drill straight into his kneecap, exactly where it was trying to hit minutes prior. [b]"FUCK."[/b] He collapsed against his chair, a growl of pain as blood ran down his leg and onto his pants through the torn hole in them.