"...If that is the conclusion, very well." Chunji didn't bother to argue against the class's decision. It was pointless, and he understood their reasoning. Nothing could be done now, and Chunji had searched everywhere for the Wund. Overall, it was a personal failure on Chunji's part for being unable to fulfill his role. He would need to redouble his efforts so this would never happen again. Yes, it was not an option. He would need to reassess his evaluations of his classmates. While Chunji didn't consider himself morally upright, a few of his classmates were darker than him. Otis and Ciara didn't seem too bothered with Davil's disappearance. Otis did provide clear reasoning with solid evidence, and Ciara was the type to follow Otis's lead. Iraleth's opinion correlated to her general demeanor, so her assessment didn't need to be changed. Chunji turned to face the woods as Alto returned them to the classroom. Once verdant trees were soon colored with crimson fires. The forest soon turned into a wildfire as every vine that stitched it together snapped. It was clear to Chunji that this was the original state of the leyline. A burning home with its folk turning into ash. Alto wrestled the leyline under his control and melded it to his magic. That was the leyline overchange technique. However, as they returned to the classroom, Chunji was not surprised by the lack of a present Davil. "As expected, since Davil wasn't inside the leyline, he wasn't returned with us. I wonder where he went?" Chunji stated. The last part was meant for Alto if Chunji didn't hear his howl of pain. Turning to Alto, walked over and knelt beside him. Hildegrund's bullet had met its mark. With his still active, strained eyes, Chunji peered into the wound and began to provide immediate first aid. The legs had vital arteries that circulated blood in them. If one of them were damaged, then blood loss could prove to be a fast death. Chunji would have to remove the bullet and heal the injury before Alto's condition became crucial. His worries were unneeded. Alto's flesh began to regenerate and started to push the bullet out itself. Once the bullet had been pushed out, Chunji wrapped a bandage around his kneecap. Looking up to Alto, Chunji asked a question. "Do you know what happened to Davil is?" There showed a lack of concern in Chunji's as he followed up with another question. "Additionally, are today's class concluded? As you've said, the attunement ceremony is at ten."