[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3b0c979b-4caa-448b-a59d-cadc7cb0818e.png[/img][/center] [hr] In the very back of the truck, tucked away in a corner like a rock, slept a man who could move mountains and hold up the sky. During most of the trip, from the time they left home, he had been out cold in spite of all the commotion his comrades had made. The explosions, the beer being flung out of the windows, the radio, even Silje being [i]Silje[/i] could not wake the slumbering giant known as Morden Garrus. He was detached from the world as he knew it, asleep like a century old corpse. The rickety, beaten-up truck would fall apart at last before he woke up. At least, it would have until something finally stirred the man up from his rest against all conceivable odds. The constant hum of the truck riding down a worn road had lulled him into slumber, but now, every little sound put him on high alert, meaning his was up on his feet the moment his eyes opened. Like a machine, Morden was ready to do... Whatever he was doing on vacation. In one swift motion, he rolled out of his seat and into the warm, dry air of Sapple Springs. Dressed in nothing more than a red tank top, exercise pants and old casual shoes, he looked around. This place... Was a ghost town. Why did they stop here? And where was everyone? He swayed his neck left and right, eliciting a deep [i]crack[/i] or two and listened to the wind. Sapple Springs was clearly a sleepy place, with damn near nothing happening. Morden looked into the sky and saw the sun was notable lower than when he fell asleep, so they had clearly been driving for a while... There they are. He heard the voices Gerard and someone else, and followed until he met up with them, walking up behind his comrades in full view of an authority figure. [i][color=khaki]"Hopefully I'm not offendin' ya'll when I say this, but what's a bunch of WARDEN types doing out here?"[/color][/i] [color=a90000]"We're on a road trip,"[/color] Morden cut in with an imposing voice, heavy with iron yet smooth as a deep river. [color=a90000]"Before we officially join the fight. What did you do, this soon after we stopped, Gerard?"[/color]