[h2][center]Voi Narum[/center][/h2] [center]O11[/center] Voi chose to remain quiet as the woman rejoined with her posse, and the old man and his dragonkin left. He has the thought to go after the thief and get his money, but even if he tried to. He has no weapons nor the numbers to deal with the thieves who have a head start and outnumber him, thanks to the woman. Seriously, if she wanted the protection money, then actually show that you can actually do it and not let the thieves go without any resistance. Still, Voi, chose not to go after the thieves and after mentally hitting himself for getting himself into the situation, which he knows should have never happened. Since he has lived with a merchant for years, he knows why going alone into back alleys is a bad idea. So he thought of his next move, and the first thing he thought of was being better prepared for he does not want to lose anymore of the money that Garth gave him. Voi knows he will need this money during his stay here, and it would be best to spend the rest of it on stuff he needs. Thus, Voi figured that his next move is to visit the marketplace and get some supplies for himself. Mainly a sword to defend himself and help deter possible thieves. But, before he left the back alley to find the marketplace, He briefly thought how he could sense that the old man felt the same as the woman who wanted money from him. What it meant was something Voi insteads to find out, but for now. It is time to stock up on supplies so he headed to the direction of the marketplace. Time to see what else this city has to offer.