[hider=12th Post Echo and Musketman] Viera woke to the sound of an inhuman roar and the ground shaking. For a moment she thought she was still in the Temple archives, and that she’d only dreamed being hunted and captured. Her head hurt though, in the spot where the Imperials had hit her with a rifle, and the floor was not the soft stone of the temple, but the cold steel of a ships deck. She stayed absolutely still as the sound continued and the deck below her shook. She was fairly sure she was now wherever the Sith were taking her, the Darkside aura was far too strong for this to be the Temple. It was almost palpable, and her skin crawled for being so near it. Slowly, the shuddering of the deck stopped and the sound died down. Viera dared to move her head to take a peek at the surroundings. It was a prison cell. Great. She had expected something like that, but it was still something else to actually wake up in one. She took a moment to rise from the awkward position she'd woken up in, the guards hadn't been gentle it seemed, just throwing her carelessly like she was nothing more than an object. She managed to get to her feet - awkwardly, groaning in pain from the many bruises as she did so. At least nothing seemed to be broken, she was no healer. "Owww..... Where are we?" She said to one in particular, looking around the room slowly. Burin lay on his bed, willing himself to calm down, he could've torn the whole cell apart. He reached into the force to find solace, pushing away the whisper of his master. A new energy was active, another Jedi it seemed. Burin didn't want to try and reach out to any of these Jedi, much less one that had just woke up. He opened his eyes and stared at the gray ceiling, he anger was still there, but not as strong, not strong enough for another force-quake anyway. Viera continued to look around the cell, she felt other presences nearby, but still hadn't seen them. She hobbled over to one of the spartan looking beds and sat down slowly, feeling slowly returning to her extremities after too long on the cold floor. "Well done Viera. Surrender to the Sith troops. That was definitely your best decision of the year..." She was talking to herself, for the sake of talking. She tended to verbalise her every thought when in such a distressing situation, just one of the many reasons she had preferred to care for the archives alone. She absentmindedly rubbed the lump on her head from the where the Sith troops had knocked her out, then decided to get up again. She wasn't getting anything done just sitting around. She stepped out into the middle of the hexagonal room, spotting a Twi'lek woman laying motionless on the ground. "Nothing I can do for you..." Then, in the darkness of one of the alcoves she spotted another figure. Too ordered to have been put there by the Sith. He, at least she thought it was a he, looked decidedly reptilian, though he shared the same style Jedi robes that both she and the Twi'lek wore. "Hello? Who are you? Are you awake? My name is Viera, I'm a Jedi" The words came tumbling out almost all at once, she didn't even stop to breathe. Burin heard a woman talking and sat up, looking for the source of the voice. He saw a what seemed to be human woman, adorned in Jedi clothing. Momentarily he was relieved to see someone else, but then he remembered if she was in here, she had failed as a Jedi to protect, she didn't say she was a padawan. Burin stared at her for a second and replied "I'm Burin." he didn't want to say anything else unless she was lying. He got up off his metal bed and walked into the hexagon cautiously. "Oh... hello Burin. Nice to meet you. I think." She was chattering again. Being in a prison cell made her nervous, and the Dark Side aura didn't help. As the lizard - Burin - stepped into the light, she could see that he was tense, she could feel the waves of anger rolling off of him, he looked like a Jedi but right now he certainly didn't feel like one. "So, ah, how long have you been awake? Do you know who put us here? Where we're going?" Then she realised, the familiar weight of her Lightsaber was not on her belt! They'd taken it! "Well of course they've taken it" She muttered, then in a clearer voice and to Burin again, "Oh and do you know where our Lightsabers are?" Burin looked at her coldly, he wanted to throw her against a wall and yell at her for stop asking such obvious questions and demand to know why the Jedi were so unprepared for this. Instead he said, "An hour or so, and my guess is the Sith and nope.", Burin continued to stare at her, she was perfectly fine except for a couple of bruises, anger and hatred washed over him, giving him a feel of power. If one were to look at his pupils, red could be seen around a circle of green, and slowly creeping towards the middle. He sensed her tension and felt a grim satisfaction that he made her so uncomfortable. Along with the anger, she now caught a whiff of frustration. Probably from her babbling. Alright Vierra, stop asking stupid questions. She thought to herself, making an effort to not verbalise it. This man was treading a dangerous path, she could almost see the dark tendrils rolling off him. "Alright, sorry, I tend to babble when things seem bleak. Sorry. But you need to calm down... We are surrounded by the dark and its getting to you. Tell me what's troubling you... maybe I can help?" Burin shook his head, "I'm tired, I'm going to try to sleep." , he walked back into his cell, laying down on the metal bed, he didn't want to talk, he didn't want to be assured, he didn't want to be lied to. No one could help him, no one can make the Jedi better, no one could bring his master back. Tired... She didn't need the force to see that for an attempt to get rid of her. He'd been up for an hour after being knocked out for who knew how long and he claimed to be tired. Normally she wouldn't bother, normally she'd just go back to her archives, but she couldn't do that here. And if there was one thing worse than being locked in a Sith prison, it was being locked in a Sith prison with an angry force wielding Lizard that was much bigger than you. One more attempt. "You aren't tired. You just don't want to talk to me. do think because I spent most of my time in the archives that I cant see that? You aren't that hard to read. Look, I'm angry at the Sith for the attack too. Do you know how much Knowledge the order will lose when they demolish the archive? It hurts. I know it hurts. But you cant let it rule you. If you do, you'll become one of them. A Sith. Is that what you want? To be the very thing that just took away our home? That hit a nerve. Did she really think he cared about some stupid knowledge, about Coruscant, Burin never had a Home. His eyes snapped open, his pupils were full red now. He leaped up from his bed and looked at her, he let out a scream of rage and used the force to throw her backwards, his voice seemed to magnify as he yelled. "Do you think I care about those stupid archives? Or that planet!? The Jedi failed their job, they were supposed to be the elite! The protectors of the galaxy, but instead they allowed millions of creatures to be slaughtered!!!" With another howl of rage he sent her flying back into her cell. Burin marched back to his cell and plopped down on the metal bed, his eyes were still a fiery red and hatred and anger flowed from him like a waterfall. Viera could not have predicted that he would react so suddenly and violently. She realised as the first Force push hit her that this Burin lizard was already disturbingly far down the path to the Darkside. She wasn't even slightly prepared to defend against a Force attack, and she went flying into the wall behind her. He started yelling at her as she tried to stand, but the words were hardly coherent and her ears were ringing. When he'd finished his tirade, he threw her again, though this time she mitigated some of the attack with her own abilities. She was cast backwards into her part of the cell, hitting her head on the hard wall. Apparently it really wasn't her day, as the world swam for a moment and she promptly fell back into unconsciousness.[/hider] [hider=13th Post Rtron+Fallenreaper] During the Attack on Coruscant Sish listened to the thrum of the ship as it went along it's way, the amount of heat generated by the bodies all around him nearly blinding. Soon. He coudl feel it. Soon the halls of Coruscant would be bathed in the blood of the weaklings that had brought the Galaxy to it's knees with their hypocrisy. Excitement made him almost fidgety, and undoubtedly he would have, but his fellow Sith and apprentice was pressed too close together, making fidgeting unwise. Soon. Soon they would break the back of the Republic, and shatter the hold of the Jedi. He bared his teeth in a feral grin, glancing at his apprentice. She would be ready. Or she would die. Simple as that. As he felt the ship begin to tip downwards, heading for it's final goal, he leaned down, whispering in her ear, "I hope you are ready. The Jedi won't go down without a fight." "I'm well aware of that... but neither do I," Jayda said simply, her voice calm with an edge coldness to it when speaking to her master. In a round about way, she reminded him about her sturdy nature. She eyeded his bearing teeth, mindful of it's distance yet unafraid. If he bite so be it but she wouldn't allow him pleasure from the sting. H She could feel the ship move into position at the same time, drawing close to their mission and the danger below. It was like a calm before the storm and the Zabrak could feel it most of all. There was no doubt in her mind this test, this battle, would be a challenge just like her Res Selenores were, and it would take all her focus and determination just to survive it. She wasn't intending to fail here. Not before she watched the light fade from her master's eyes a he breathed his last breath, not having endured the four years of suffering at his claws or scars it left for nothing. Her Jat'i, Zabrak tattoos upon her back and shoulder no longer were distinguishable from the scars over scars that laced her thin muscles. Her hands suddenly jerked out, bracing against the ship side. Vibrations rippled violent against the hull as the ship slammed into the Jedi Temple's doors, the bay shook threatening to bring the Sith inside to their knees. Yet not a single one even flinched. Soon the ship landed, the blast doors coming open with a deafening hiss while Jayda's and Sish's hands went to their lightsabers. They came alive with a loud buzz, his orange and hers purple, the blade lite their darken features while the battle engaged. Several Jedi rushed the unit of Sith that erupted from the bay, their blue and green blades clashing with the reds. Jayda caught movement from the corner of her eye and she launched forward. Her blade flicked in close and crackling when it caught the first Jedi's lightsaber. A small, delighted smile cracked Jayda's usually calm demeanor feeling her inner predator rise to the challenge eagerly. A light of wicked enjoyment sparked in her eyes while the feeling, the hot and intense heat of excitement burned within. The blade held fast, her one hand held him at bay before suddenly her free one jerked out and aimed at her foe's foot. Instantly she jerked her arm back sending him into Sish's blade. He only smiled wider. "I would hope so." Was his only response, as the ship began to go down at a steeper and steeper angle, before slamming into the ground and the doors of the temple of the Jedi. Lightsabers ignited all around him, and it took only a second for the battle to be joined. His first opponent was a Padawan, sadly. The human girl tried put up a fight, but her strength just couldn't match his. She lasted three blows. Then, she was driven to her knees and beheaded, the green of her lightsaber extinguishing as it clattered against the ground. The sound was lost in the screams and shouts of combat. Kicking the head out of his way, Sish turned to impale a Jedi upon his blade, removing it out of the body with a contemptous flick. He only had time to give her a feral grin before his next opponent arrived. Their blades clashed together with a shower of sparks, straining against each other, before Sish broke to launch another powerful blow. The Jedi's blade met his once again, before his counter attack was deflected by the Trandoshan. This continued for a few seconds, then the Jedi tried to force jump over Sish. His leap was arrested above the Sith Lord, using the force to stop him, who proceeded to slam the unfortunate Jedi down in front of Jayda, the ground cracking before the Jedi's life was ended. This.. this was purity in it's truest form. Combat. The struggle to survive. The fight to see who was strongest. The emotions through the air...it was glorious. Pure. How the galaxy should be, would be, if not for the meddling of the Jedi. The moment the Jedi fell from the air to the ground before her, Jayda's blade slapped down. Sizzling flesh and bone in half, ending the life. Over the half year it had become easy to end a life now. She no longer thought of the past or present connected to one behind the blade, easing her guilt and pain it brought. It was better this way. Not have them suffer at the claws of the Sith at her side, the creature she protected only for that one chance. A slight movement from a green blade and Jayda's came up, gaurding Trandoshan's side from a deep gash. Her nostrils flared while she easily held it upright... her emotions wanting to severe the Jedi in half. Her body pinned close to her master and watching him feeding his lust of violence with pound of flesh and severed parts. A wickness crossed her gaze as slowly, unnotably, her strength in the gaurd weakened. The point lowered close to Sish's unaware form. In her mind she timed it so well that it appeared purely accidental. Just when his hand whipped at a Jedi aiming for her side, bring his light saber close, Jayda's gaurd gave way. It was quick and flawless. The young Jedi didn't realize what had happened as his blade hissed, stinging the wrist area. The only thing that stopped it from cutting through was the fact most the blade was caught by the armor covering it. Jadya smiled at the fresh sound of flesh being sizzled by the blade, quickly ducking to cut out the leg at the joint and bring the Jedi down. Sish let out a roar of rage as he felt his scales and flesh sizzle at the touch of the Jedi's lightsaber. He knew what had happened. She knew what had happened. It was no accident. It was just another one of her games. He bared his teeth in a feral snarl at her, giving a simple warning, and a reminder. "Only the weak let other's do their fighting. Even your brother didn't do that." He didn't get to see her reaction, turning to battle another Jedi attacking. Rage gave him strength, and sparks flew as he drove the Jedi backwards before breaking through the Twilek's guard and cutting off the creature's leg at the knee cap. As the Jedi fell screaming, Sish grabbed a lekku, claws piercing the flesh, and slung him towards Jayda, before turning to another maggot and electrocuting him. Instinctively her eyes hardened at the murder's mention of her brother, fighting the desire to turn her blade upon him. It wouldn't do. Not here or now, her teeth clench together letting her hand slash about to cut down another human Jedi. It wasn't fact she was making him do the fighting but rather reminding the fithy Trandonshan to remember she was only his apprentice by choice. Choice alone. He failed to break her, having a thin hold over her, and that would be his downfall one day. She sensed something being tossed her way, her body tensed. The Twilek's body came into view while the Zabrak smirked at her Master's pitiful attempt at returning her 'lost gaurd' of earlier. She almost felt a slight dissappointment in his childish behavior...but at least it was predictable. Focusing her Force into her blade Jayda did a diagonal slash then planting a hand upon the ground, kicked up her leg. Her knee caught the remaining torso, sending it crashing into the nearest foe. The alien dodged to the right only to feel Jayda's blade impale him in the chest. Watching the eyes died, she jerked it out then beheaded it ensuring the male would never rise. She wasn't one to take chances. Unlike her Master, she made sure the job was done completely. Sish's blade flashed out to end the Jedi's twitching, and screaming. There would be much death this day, and each one would serve to rid the galaxy of the plague known as the Jedi. A force push threw him back near Jayda, and as he leapt to his feet with a snarl, he saw who it was. A Zabrak, a warrior judging from his gear and stance. Sish's snarl suddenly turned into a grin. "This one is mine." Was his only comment to Jayda, before standing and engaging in combat with this one worthy opponent. Blue clashed against orange, and a titanic struggle began. "Don't get yourself killed..." Her voice held a faint mocking, attention drawn to a young woman that took another stance. The Zabrak female wasn't impressed, her body shot forward, letting the blade graze by her shoulder and cut into the fabric. The Jedi hadn't expected Jayda to get in close and failed to see Jaday was lost in the pace of the fight, her body placing muscle memory above thinking. The pain seared from her wound while she took the minor infliction to send her blade to return the favor. It slashed into the shoulder top, cutting the tendon and muscle then making the arm useless. Not done, Jayda did two heavy hits with a freed hand, one to two places on the same rib. She felt it break under her rapid hit and so did the Jedi. The bone shift right before the Apprentice sent it right into the Jedi's heart in one last thrust. Blood spilt from the lips, the complexion paled while she fell to her knees letting Jayda relax. "These Jedi are more like kep* then warriors..." the Zabrak mumbled feeling her anger still strong and tearing at her control, forcing herself to maintain control over her emotions. The Zabrak had skill, Sish had to give him that. The powerful blows that had worked so well before against the other Jedi were proving to be useless. Blocked, defended, deflected. A shower of sparks each time, much to Sish's growing frustration and rage. After a few more exchanges that resulted in a frustrating lack of progress offensively and a barely successful defense, Sish decided to do something...unorthodox. Their blades came together once again, but this time Sish kept pressing, the Zabrak instinctively pressing forwards in response, one leg, and more importantly knee, stepping forward as Sish gave ground. The Trandoshan gave a feral grin, sensing his opportunity. One clawed foot shot forward, and the knee snapped backwards at an unnatural angle. The armor prevented the claw from piercing flesh, but not the force from a Trandoshan's kick. To his credit, the Zabrak didn't cry out as he fell, even managing to block Sish's downward stroke. He wasn't able to block the next, force powered, kick to his ribs however. The Zabrak skidded across the battlefield, knocking over a Jedi battling another Sith warrior. Said Jedi was soon killed by said Sith Warrior. Sish pressed his advantage, dragging the Zabrak back to him through the Force, and then being thrown backwards himself as the Zabrak retaliated. With a decided lack of grace, Sish managed to land on his feet. He didn't wait, he rushed forward, lightning shooting from his hand to hit the crippled Zabraks lightsaber as he raised it in defense. Sish threw his lightsaber with his other hand. It went straight through the Zabrak's middle, a brief surprise showing on his face before he fell. Dead. A Republic soldier tried to attack him with a sword. With a contemptuous gesture, Sish Force pulled the man towards him and ripped out the Republic soldier's throat. With his jaws. The remains of the man's throat in his jaws, blood running down his jaws and covering his scales. He threw the corpse off to the side, before cutting of the hand of another attacking Padawan and throwing the human too Jayda. Swallowing his brief snack, he deflected a lightsaber that was meant for her spine. Jayda knew Sish's habits and moves to a distisguishing accuracy, usually made her sick at the easeit took her. Now it was merely tolerable.Spotting the youth tossed to her, Jayda brought her foot about slamming into the man's foot side and sending him into another direction. Her attention was distracted as another human, another female, had taken the offensive. Brazing dual lightsabers, Jayda's defense went up by bring her own blade horizontally to stop the downward slash at her head. Moving her foot forwards, she leaned back on heel then brought her foot up to kick into the inside thigh. The woman flinched then pulled farther back. Jayda smiled bring her blade into her offensive style, the blade whipping out agressively. She started to put more and more strength into cutting forward, trying to gain ground she had lost. Her hearts hammered threatening to bruise her ribs from the excitement. Her foot slide to the side, bring her body sideways, the woman force to block while Jayda attempted mow her over. Unforunately Jayda didn't note the the second Jedi coming upon her rear flank. Her head jerked to the movement from behind her only to see Sish's orange blade come between her back and her attacker. A slight surprise in her eyes slowly faded when her original foe struck out again. Their blades locked. Jayda slowly, once more, allow her strength to fade letting the woman feeling empowered by the gain in momentum. Too late now, the Zabrak twisted her lightsaber on top and to her side, bring the woman's first blade to the ground while Jayda stopped the other arching blade with her now freeded hand. Pouring her Force to push it away, stopping it in mid air. Sish needed little encouragement as Jayda's blade kept the first blade pinned leaving the woman's side exposed. Sish arced lightning towards the Jedi trying to kill his apprentice, while flicking his freed blade into the woman's side. She let out a cry of pain, that quickly turned to a gurgle of shock. Sish had not been simply content to stab her through the side. His free hand had dragged a claw across the tender flesh of her throat, spraying blood over the Trandoshan and his apprentice. Sish simply bared his teeth in another grin, the red crimson staining them only going a darker shade as more blood hit them. Before he could make any comment, the Padawan he had tossed to Jayda caught his attention...for only a moment. A sickening crack was muffled by the sound of battle as Sish slammed his foot on the back of the Jedi's neck. His lightsaber flashed down once, to make sure his opponent was dead. Another Jedi was attacking, and this one was yet another Padawan. Two blows later, the Jedi's lightsaber was gone, and Sish decapitated him, relying on Jayda to deflect the lighstaber destined for his back. "I expected a better fight." He commented, taking advantage of the brief lull in combat they had. He could hear distant explosions, and the scream of Imperial ships as they bombarded Coruscant. His grin grew wider. Jayda always had trouble getting use to his brutal form or the fact he savagely tore into his victims. True Zabrak were aggressive and brutal, even intimancy let it's wounds but Sish's methods were something worse. Making his opponents looking like an animal, rabid with hate and malice, had gotten a hold of them instead of a Sith as she felt the warm, rustic red blood splatter across her from the Jedi’s throat. Quickly she twisted her head, hoping to spar any droplets from creeping into her eyes, while spying the woman’s body shuddered into death. No longer required to pin down a lightsaber Jayda returned to a neutral but ready stance. It was obvious that out of both of them, Sish surely was enjoying himself with a self-pleased grin leaving Jayda wiping the mess from her face. The red streak left behind darkening her cheek and now the back of her hand. Not that she cared. It didn’t take long for the moment to end. When Sish’s lightsaber lunged forward, her body had skirted around his moving form for his back. One foot leading and both hands rest once more upon her hilt, the Zabrak ‘s teeth clenched as she brought it close to her own body, and leveled to her shoulders. Taking on the full impact when their weapons met. The blade hissed angrily upon clashing. A loud buzz filled both combatants’ ears grinding together, her front leg bent, with arms right angles to prevent connecting with Sish’s back. It would be a lie to pretend the idea of letting the oversized lizard get his hid split open didn’t appeal to her yet he would die when she determined it. No sooner or later… Without a farther moment wasted, Jayda’s left hand automatically sent a rush of Force at her assailant’s legs. His knees cracked and violently jerked back, knocking his feet out from under him. Her blade came free then. Swiftly she whipped her blade back out. This time, she aimed for the joint that connected the wrist and hand, turning it into a cauterized stump. The Jedi screamed in pain only to be drowned out by the Imperial ships. She then twisted her blade downwards, thrusting it down to bury it deep into her fallen and shivering opponent’s neck. Ending his life cleanly during his shock. Her head hummed with the adrenaline buzz pumping in time with her own lightsaber thanks to the battle. Maybe even because of the loud sounds. As it slowly died down, Jayda deactivated her saber, the invasion’s backdrop became louder while Jedi and Republic soldier attempted to save what they could. For a second Jayda felt a slight empathy to them. Already they had lost, but like Zabrak, they still fought until their lives were left in ruins. Smoke, rubble and bodies littered the Temple floor surrounding those still standing among it. Once so grand and beautiful, none that lived would’ve recognized the place most likely called home. Hearing Sish’s comment Jayda’s dark purple eyes shifted and her smile disappeared. Mentally she considered introducing the Trandoshan to some of the inhabitants among Iridonia’s Great Acid Sea, her heart feeling a slight spark at the thought. Letting the thought warm her slightly, the woman starting to walk away ignoring her Master’s grin then adding back,” If you’re so eager for a challenging fight then do so without your lightsaber. I’m sure that would even the odds quickly.” Sish shrugged, cutting down another one of the few surviving Republic soldiers before following his apprentice. He couldn't very well let her die because some coward stabbed her in the back, now could he? Even if she was planning on killing him as soon as she felt she was strong enough to do so. The Strong Survive and the Weak Die. Simple as that. The main battle was dying down. Darth Malgus had slain the Jedi leader, and what little heart they had left crumpled, their will breaking. The Sith began cutting them down. "I wonder if there are any more of them cowering in the temple?" The Trandoshan wondered aloud. Jayda shook her head at the reptilian creature, hearing her Sith's master's foot claw pad along the temple ruins. It seemed this battle was drawing to its close as she rolled her eyes at the Trandoshan's comment. Instantly she spoke in Ul' Zabrak under her breath," Kabno gunsos joh'er yidaj'ter.*" There wasn't any sign of living presence as far as she could sense it, though it wasn't because they were all dead. A large mass of the Force seemed to be gathered away from the Temple and nearing the prison ship, all of them Jedi. Jayda paused taking it in before shugging off the unexpected chill that raced up her spine. She had never asked Sish about why they were traveling on Hâsk, other then destination, and now that lacking question started to linger into focus. Leaving a nasty feeling in her hearts. "No...but there's a large gathering being brought back to the Hâsk," She spoke, answering his question," The rest are already dying or being rounded up. I believe our task is done..." Sish's smile grew more predatory. "Ah yes. Those would be our little entertainment on the journey back to Korriban. We're to convert them and extract information from them." His tone left no doubt what converting and extracting information from them would entail. "Well, time to head to the Hâsk then." He paused. "One more thing." He raised a hand, and Force Choked her. "Only cowards insult those they cannot beat in under their breath, in another language. Only the weak. And if you're weak, you won't be able to kill me. And if you aren't able to kill me, your weakling brother...what was his name? I never learned it over the screams he gave. Regardless, if you aren't able to kill me, he won't be able to be avenged. And then what will you do?" With a flick of his claws, he sent her flying into a nearby pillar, hard enough to crack it. "Don't get left behind. I'll leave you on the planet." She eyed him over at the mention of entertainment causing her teeth to bare. Jayda didn't like Sish's surprises as they often were too sadistic for her liking and never ended well, turning to face him. This wasn't what she was expecting to hear or was she pleaded. However her face remain blank, givin no sign of her discomfort, merely a cold silence to his growing smile. Then his demeanor shifted suddenly. Invisible fingers wrapped about her throat, cutting of her air, preventing breath. It was clear in moments she hit the line once more as her ears listen to Sish reprimand her. Jayda's hate started to burn at her while the yidaj'ter couldn't remember Mehinn's name! She tried to fight it but quickly was reminded why she was connected to him, why she was following him. To become stronger. At the slightest movement, she thrown across the temple and smacked stright into the nearest pillar. Her bones felt the impact rattle through yet likely they were dense enough not to break, unlike some lesser speices. Jayda's mouth pressed tightly against the pain. He wouldn't get another scream from her as long as she lived, a promise she intended to keep. The smooth stone spider webbed from where she hit, her body dropping upon being released and left there. Jayda managed to land on her feet though the pain throbbed with the effort. Wrapping her hand about her throat, rubbing the pain away, Jayda wisely kept her silence. She pissed him off enough and she knew, deep inside, that any more would likely earn her farther and unneeded injury. Sish didn't repeat himself to her. Pulling upright, the Zabrak walked behind him while they made thier way back to the ship. All the time Jayda didn't take her eyes off the Trandoshan.[/hider] [hider=Post 14 Frettzo] [b]Before and During the Attack.[/b] "Hah! See? I told you that the droid had the information we needed." An excited feminine voice rung out across the small room, followed by a deep chuckle. [b]"Good thinking, but now what do we do with this information?"[/b] "Uh... We... Hide it?" And seconds of silence passed, until the sound of a facepalm was heard. Inside the room were two young Jedi, Padawans both. One of them was a human male, around the age of fifteen with blonde hair and brown coloured eyes, and the other was a Twi'Lek female, with purple skin, golden eyes and a yellow stripe going down the length of her lekku. A droid, grey in colour and completely rusted, was laying on a table as the two Padawans stared at a small chip they had extracted from it. "It is dangerous information, we can't have this on ourselves, at least not until any of our Masters come back." The Twi'lek said, gaining a sigh as a response from the human. [b]"I know where you're coming from, I really do, but what we found here... It's too important to wait any longer."[/b] The teen boy stated, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the rusted droid. [b]"See that droid? We found it on a dark alleyway after reports of mysterious sounds coming from the alley at random hours. A body was also found there, unrecognizable, but obviously dead. We can't allow this to be repeated, Kinsa!"[/b] The Twi'lek, Kinsa, brought a hand up to rub her brow, thinking. She was about to speak, when a sudden explosion rang across the temple- The whole Temple rumbled, and the ground shook for a brief moment, and when the sound receded, the Padawans looked at each other, alarmed expressions on their faces. "What was that?!" Asked Kinsa, and the boy shook his head, frowning as he jogged outside, followed closely by Kinsa. As soon as they exited the small room and reached a balcony overlooking the wreckage of a ship, a ship that had crashed right through the Temple's front doors. There was a single hooded figure in front of the wreckage, and dozens of Jedi, knights, Padawans and Masters, were gathering around the figure. And then it started. The hatch of the crashed ship opened, and from the darkness within, a whole unit of Sith and quite a few soldiers made their way out, rushing on their sudden charge against Kinsa's brothers and sisters in beliefs. It was too sudden, and the two Padawans could only gasp before the boy reached for his lightsaber and turned towards Kinsa, regarding her with an extremely scared expression. "[b]Kinsa, you have to hide the chip!"[/b] He shouted, before jumping down into the mess below, joining the battle between Light and Dark. Minutes went, and she had successfully hid the chip, it was now protected in a safe, and when she rushed out onto the balcony, she was shaken by how many Jedi bodies littered the floor. There were also Sith laying dead, but they were so many... The Jedi were outnumbered and outgunned. That moment, Kinsa knew what she had to do. She had to be a survivor. What good was a light if it was blew out? Might as well had never been lit in the first place. "I have to live." She whispered to herself, looking to her left in time to notice a duo of soldiers rushing out of a room, shooting behind them. some of the shots were deflected by someone inside the room, and one even reached one of the soldiers, killing him instantly. The other soldier, though, kept shooting and eventually, a single scream of pain was heard from inside the room. The soldier relaxed somewhat and began to walk back into the room, but Kinsa had already gotten too close. The soldier noticed her, thanks to his advanced sensors, and began shooting her way. In swift motions, Kinsa grabbed her lightsaber and began deflecting the shots, It was when the soldier missed a few shots that she could get close enough to force push him off the balconies and down onto the ending battle. She rushed into the room, to see a youngling holding a lightsaber hilt tightly with one hand, and his side with the other. Tears stained his face, an Kinsa could do nothing but frown sadly at the scene. The youngling panted harshly, and perked up at the sound of Kinsa's lightsaber's deactivation. A brief glint of hope flashed on his eyes, but that same hope was replaced by fear as Kinsa blocked the room's entrance with a table, and then chairs, and finally, a metal closet. "We have to hide." She mentioned, and the youngling nodded hesitantly. Some rumbling was heard and suddenly she knew that there were more than one. Two more children came out from behind an overturned table, and they nodded as well. The wounded youngling still held the lightsaber tightly- It probably belonged to a dead Jedi... The thought made her sad. She turned to look at the younglings, and a beeping sound came from outside the barricade. It got faster and faster, higher and higher. Then Kinsa realized what it was. A bomb. Her eyes narrowed and she rushed towards the far en of the room, shouting. "Take cover!" And then it was all black. [b]Aboard the Hask[/b] [i]"Ugh..." [/i] Kinsa groaned, struggling to open her eyes, but when she did, she saw what she less expected. A metallic roof. She was also laying on a bed. An uncomfortable one, but it was still a bed. It was easy to make the connections- She was a prisoner. The explosion didn't kill her, it just knocked her unconscious. The memory make her wince and rise from her laying position, checking herself for injuries- Nothing too serious. A few scratches and one mean bruise on her head, but she'd live. As she stood on the floor, she took mental notes of the layout of her small cell. Not a very nice place to sleep in, but it'd do, at the very least. And then someone made her presence known- A familiar voice. [b][i]"Hello? Is anyone there? Is anyone awake?" [/i][/b] "Calista!" Kinsa perked up, her eyes wide as she looked around. She pinpointed the source of the voice, but a pillar blocked most of her view of the cell it came from. "It's me, Kinsa, are you okay?" "Kinsa?" Calista's eyes widened and sighed quietly in relief: one friend was alive. And not only that, they were in the same area. "Thank goodness you're alive! And you too as well, friend!" She greeted the unknown voice that answered her first. "Are you injured? Is anyone in there with you? I'm also more or less fine, my head just feels a bit fuzzy." Calista shrugged her shoulders and let her Jedi robe pool behind her on her bed; it would work as a makeshift blanket. She didn't need it everywhere she went, after all. "Just a few cuts and bruises, nothing unexpected... Look, I don't know what's going to happen, but we must stay strong. At least that's what my Master would have told me." Kinsa sighed, kneeling down on the ground. "How many Jedi do you think are here?" She asked before reaching for her lightsaber- Only to find that it wasn't there at all. [i]'Right... They must have taken it away... Silly me...'[/i] "I think we're bargaining chips. There's bound to be more than just us: they want enough of us to carry serious weight with the Republic. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to..." She breathed in deeply, her voice catching at the end of her sentence "... 'Question' us. They'll squeeze what they can from us before they hand us over. But... At least we're not alone." The thought disturbed her slightly. They most certainly would try and milk all the Jedi were worth. Whether or not they talked wasn't the issue: it was when. "... You know, I never thought I'd end up in a place like this. I'm scared." Kinsa said, taking in a few deep breaths. "I don't like this, Calista." That's when she started thinking- When would they meet their Sith captors? They had to make an appearance sooner or later, and that appearance would likely carry its weight. She didn't know what to expect from the Sith, as most Jedi who ended up as their prisoners died. Calista winced. "None of us did. None of us want to be here, and they know that. I don't like this either, but..." She bit her lower lip. "We're alive. We must be worth something. They could have killed us, Kinsa. But they didn't. We can't let them see our fear. They'll exploit it. I don't know what they want from us, but for now... There's not much we can do." She glanced over again at her door and squinted at the red button next to the threshold. [i]"A button...?"[/i] She slipped off her bed to the floor and carefully tested her stability, her hands bracing against the bed frame. Shifting from foot to foot, she was satisfied that she could indeed walk. She headed toward the door and traced her fingers around the button. "Huh..." Tentatively, she pushed it, and to her surprise, the red barrier fell away. "Kinsa! Everyone! There's a red button near the door! Press it, and the barrier drops!" With that, she decided to explore the area around her. She frowned at the barrier leading out of the block. Did she really think she would escape that easily. [i]"Of course not, stupid!"[/i] She chastised herself. She squinted her eyes and looked across the hall... She thought she saw another cell block, but wasn't sure. "I think there's a whole 'nother block for prisoners. We're definitely not the only Jedi onboard... Probably." [i]"It's hard to hide fear..."[/i] Kinsa said quietly, sighing. Though when Calista mentioned the button, she stood up and looked at it. At first, she had believed it to be some sort of signal for the guards to come, but it was not that, apparently. She pressed it, and as Calista said, the barrier gave way, and she could walk out of her cell into a slightly open place. It was just about three times the size of her cell, but it was enough to be more comfortable.[/hider] [hider=15th Post Ellri] The Young Sith acolyte was out of his depth. This wasn’t meant to be his job, he’d been told it was going to be a dull and soporific watch, nothing to do but watch the holos of boring Jedi being insufferably calm, just like Jedi were supposed to be. But this one wasn’t. This Jedi, some disgusting kind of reptile, was throwing another one across the room with the Force! He didn’t know what to do. ‘Oh wait’ he thought, “The alarm!” he shouted out, despite being all alone. Running over to the far wall, he slammed his hand against the button, triggering it. ** Klaxon alarm ** {Automated voice}: Disturbance in Cell complex 05-3 {Automated voice}: Disturbance in Cell complex 05-3 ** Klaxon alarm ** Several rooms away, Thallia Valcia sat comfortably in front of her portable alchemy set, holding a Scurrier steady with one hand while she reached for a vial of viscous, dark red liquid with another. She picked up the vial as the Scurrier squirmed beneath her Force assisted grasp. She was just about to force its mouth open and pour the liquid down it when the alarm reached her. She jumped, and as she lost focus the Scurrier leapt out from under her hand, knocking the vial as it went. The liquid sloshed over the edge and splattered on its fur, hissing where it touched and discolouring it a dirty red. The creature squealed at the contact and ran, out into the hallway and into the ship. [i]“Blast it!”[/i] she shouted, even as she noticed some of the liquid had also splashed onto the table and her left leg. It stung where it touched, but quickly faded into nothing as the mixture was absorbed, leaving only the slightest mark on her clothing. It continued to tingle and sting, though she paid that little heed. Now that her plaything had escaped and her fun was ruined, she really had no alternative but to check on the source of the damnable alarm. Probably the Acolyte jumping at shadows again. That particular one seemed rather unsettled after witnessing a display of Darth Nyiss’ Sith Sorcery. Thallia didn’t care, and she’d had so many people following her around that she barely remembered names anymore. Still, if this was a false alarm, she’d Force Choke him a bit to instil some sense into him. Bursting into the chamber with murder in her eyes, she shouted [i]“If this is another false alarm, I swear I’ll-”[/i] She stopped cold when she saw the footage repeating on the holo, again and again. A Jedi, throwing another one across the room with the Force! [i]“Acolyte… You’ve done enough. Go fetch me another scurrier. I will handle this personally.”[/i] She said, even as she took the sight in. The acolyte scurried out of the room, as much out of obedience as out of fear of what she might do if disobeyed. [i]‘why’[/i] he thought, [i]‘why did I have to end up with her?’[/i] Nonetheless, he knew better than to disobey. He did wonder what she had done with the last scurrier, but quickly figured that he’d rather not know. The first thing to do was make sure they didn’t kill each other. Though the Jedi had stopped for now, there was no telling when he would start up again. Thallia knew policy well. Anyone falling that easily was too weak-minded to rise far. They would need containment and education. All records were concise on that. Dark Jedi, while more fun than regular jedi, were dangerous and volatile. Her master had hammered that into her head often enough. Real Sith use their emotions. They are not used by them. It did not take her long to dig up the file about what to do in cases like this. Stepping up to the control system, she input the proper commands, fuming to herself over having sent away that acolyte, leaving her with the work. Of course, further thinking made her realize she could never have trusted any of them with such in any case. None of them were smart enough to be relied upon for such. They never planned anything ahead of time. ~|~ Minder Sixty-Two was walking to the Prison block to inform the Sith of the limitations Darth Nyiss had insisted on when the notification about a triggered alarm in detention sector 05-3 appeared upon his cybernetics. That was most inconvenient. Being sure another prisoner had escaped, he increased his pace, though he did not quite go into a run. When he got to the surveillance chamber, he found one of the Sith, an apprentice, busy inputting commands into the console. It took him less than two seconds to verify that the commands were correct. On his way over, he had had the computer forward the relevant recording to his ocular implants, so he knew enough to judge it. [i]“What in the name of the emperor are you doing here? I have this entirely in hand!”[/i] She cried out, derisively. [i]“Security is my concern. ”[/i] Minder replied in an even tone. The Sith was clearly angry. Minder reflected that that seemed to be a state many of them fell back on when things weren’t going their way. It was inconvenient, but predictable. [i]“You know what? I don’t care. I have better things to do.”[/i] she said, heading for the door. [i]“Of course my lord.”[/i] Minder replied, again with no inflection at all in his voice. The Sith seemed to be ill-suited for this task, so her leaving of her own choice was convenient. Sith were unsuited here. Too violent. Intelligence, with the aid of Troopers, were not only more efficient, but also properly equipped. Especially when compared to Sith like her, if her dossier was any indication. As she stalked off, he could see upon her face that she was fuming. No-doubt about something quite trivial, a wasteful tendency that has been observed in significant numbers of Sith. Less than two minutes later the bulkhead door opened once more and a squad of Imperial troopers marched through in perfect formation. Upon seeing Minder within, their sergeant spoke up. “Reporting as ordered, Sir. What are your orders?” Aware of their presence already, Minder did not turn about or otherwise give any indication of acknowledging their presence for a full eleven seconds. [i]“You will move prisoner 224-659-57 from cell 05-3-1 to cell 05-2-5. Then you will move prisoner 224-274-51 from cell 05-3-3 to cell 05-1-5. Prisoner 224-113-08 will be contained within cell 05-3-2. Do not let yourself be distracted by it. Is that understood?”[/i] Minder kept watching the consoles the entire time. “Of course Sir. It will be done at once.” The sergeant answered instantly. “Men. You heard the man. Move out!” Transmitting a single command to the security station holocom, Minder sixty-two called up Darth Nyiss. [i]“Darth Nyiss. One of your Jedi prisoners is a weak-willed creature. Being in proximity of your pet has made him fall to the dark side. Prisoners 224-659-57 and 224-274-51 are being moved away from him for safety. Dealing with fallen Jedi is not my skill-set. What do you wish done with prisoner 224-113-08?”[/i] Darth Nyiss’ reply came only as a voice, and in an exasperated tone. [i]“I had hoped for better. You have done the right thing for now Minder, keep the prisoner Isolated and observe him. Tell Apprentice Valcia that the prisoner is now assigned to her. She is to provide the prisoner with Cal Chur’s Sith Holocron and observe him. It is suitable for those behaving like children. We might at least be able to salvage something from the situation, even if he will never rise above minion.”[/i] The Minder would have preferred something else, but it would do for now. “If he proves unsalvageable, might Intelligence have him?” “That prisoner is the barabel yes?” It was more a statement than a question. [i]“If he cannot be turned, he is of no use to me. Intelligence may do what they will with him in that event.”[/i] “Noted. Minder Sixty-Two out.”[/hider]