[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qSXKgkY.png[/img] [sub][@Nanaya][/sub][/center] [b]"'Fuck' indeed."[/b] Otis, certainly, didn't think that the Instructor was moaning over the bullet in his leg. He didn't particularly care about it either; if this was what killed Alto, it would be pathetic but forgettable. More interesting now was that Davil himself had disappeared from this classroom as well. He glanced over at the others, briefly catching Chunji's gaze. The bespectacled youth had opted to attend to Alto instead, leaving Otis himself to find a desk to sit down. There were two objects that he had intimately involved himself with when it came to Davil. One were his boots, which were mundane but possessed some interesting essence. The other were his gloves, which Otis himself had made over the course of a night, and had gifted to Otis for the purpose of experimenting with his Ethos. It was the second one that the Strigidae ended up targeting. Placing two fingers between his eyes, he drew out the essence of a memory and joined it with his own Prime Essence, the Seeker that sought all wonders of the world. Holding that 'scent' in place, Otis murmured a quiet incantation to himself, ending with a more pronounced [b]"Essence Hound."[/b] From his desk, a translucent puppy glowing a faint green manifested from the aether, their droopy eyes gazing at their surroundings. They sniffed once in the air, twice, then thrice. Finally, they turned back to Otis and shook their head sadly, before poofing out of existence again. Not even a faint lead then. He crossed his arms. It felt unlikely, considering the attacks launched in that forest, that Davil's gloves would be wiped out from existence completely. And if the gloves themselves were being cloaked by some greater spell, then it couldn't have been Davil who'd have been doing it. Interference, at least, would guarantee that he was alive somewhere in this plane of existence. The third case then... Otis lacked Chunji's vision, but he had seen the brilliant nexus of leylines over Compact 3 when he had entered, and now, looking at it once more, he could see a difference too. The primal leyline had withered after being consumed by their Instructor, while the arcane leyline seemed to be altered in some way, twisting towards a separate room. Was it related, somehow? Could Davil have, through his Ethos, launched himself into an entirely different leyline? It was a room just across the hall anyways. He got up, moved to exit the classroom, and only stopped to turn towards Chloe and her burnt dress. [b]"Give me your clothes when I'm back."[/b] He could fix it before noon. As an unspoken apology for writing her off as Davil. And then it was off to Room 104, a pause only to listen in on whether or not there was a lecture inside, before he swung the door open.