[center][color=00ff66][h1][b]J'eon the Blacksmith[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [hr] "What's this? What's this?" J'eon demanded, stamping his front hooves on the ground. The archers were other Glen, like himself! And one of them dared to part his flames with wind to give the assassins a chance to escape! Ice would make them slip and fall, helpless, but the flames had removed any trace of moisture from the air - all he would do was make the air chill! Nor could he call down flames from the skies to strike his enemy like Shirik did! "I do not know how I can stop them," he growls, tightening his grip on his hammer. [hr] [center][color=00ff66][h1][b]Jack Mallory[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Mallory ground his teeth in frustration. There was no way out of this - either they jump into the water where whatever was down there ate them, or they get crushed between these massive stone arms. They just brought what they could carry - being what the ship could afford to lose. Which included them. Why did that idiot rush into the trap? He wondered what the camera in his eye would transmit just before his death?