[hider=Open at own risk] [center][h2][u] [color=#E4B844]Ren Baykara[/color] [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zPhr1af.png[/img][/center] [b][center][color=#E4B844]”People claim I dishonor the name of Vashdal, yet none have made men pray to him more than I.”[/color][/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 19 | Male | Retanese-Virangish | Noble | 9.13 [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Kind] ❖ [Thoughtful] ❖ [Respectful] ❖ [Generous] ❖ [Compassionate][/indent] These are all things that Ren Baykara would say about himself. And to him, perhaps they are true characteristics. But to anyone else, they are a mockery of the word. He lives according only to his whims and wishes with little regard for those around him, and never hesitates to open his mouth and speak his mind, regardless of the consequences. Because, to him, there are no consequences. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] A man firmly in the stages of early adulthood, Ren Baykara stands at a solid 5’8, sporting olive skin and back hair. His eyes are dark amber, with obvious traces of his Retanese heritage. He is well built and objectively rather handsome, and does not make attempts to hide it. He will sometimes wear makeup to play this up(but never admit to it), and a healthy amount of jewelry to accentuate his strong facial features. Beyond this, he is not a stickler for fashion but only adorns himself in rather grandiose outfits, of both Virangish and old Retanese design. Loose flowing silks are among his favorite, as he prefers to keep his limbs free and mobile. There is also a respect shown towards attire dedicated to martial arts, and some partial influences from Nikan here and there given the exotic nature of the goods. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Rettanese - Fluent Virangish - Fluent Avincian - Fluent Palaparese - Fluent [h3][u][color=#E4B844]T H E G I F T [/color][/u][/h3] [table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Base RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Augmented RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]HP[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Blood Types[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Items[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell]{9.13}[/cell][cell]{9.25}[/cell][cell]{20}[/cell][cell]{Chaosgrasper + ???}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]School[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Speciality[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Tier[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Base[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Offensive[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Defensive[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFD700]Magnetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Electrostatic/Internal}[/i][/cell][cell]{2}. {Apprentice}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D5}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D5}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D5}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF8C00]Arcane[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Pyromancy/Luminescent}[/i][/cell][cell]{1}. {Novice}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D4}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D4}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D4}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Binding[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Healing: Medical/Healing: Corporeal}[/i][/cell][cell]{3}. {Adept}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D7}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D7}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D7}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=BA55D3]Chemical[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Internal: Disruptive/External: Corrosive}[/i][/cell][cell]{5}. {Expert}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=1E90FF]Kinetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Gravitational/Stasis}[/i][/cell][cell]{5}. {Expert}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][cell]{4/5 D10}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=00FF00]Atomic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=800000]Blood[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFFFF0]Temporal[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=000000]Dark[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=808080]Command[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=a0410d]Primordial[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Extra[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Description[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Fruit:[/colour][/cell][cell]Starfruit of Dami-Zept, ?[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Other:[/colour][/cell][cell]?[/cell][/row][/table] [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] A tale does not always need dramatics. Ren Baykara was born the son of a vizier of Virang, and a descendant of the former Retanese Jiang dynasty who were deposed by the twin emperors. Privilege is in his blood and upbringing. And in Virang, privilege proves triumphant in a more sinister way than their Constantian brothers and sisters. There is a darker tone to the nation that few are able to see. The noblesse oblige is not common in Virang, and far less so abroad in their colonial subject of Palapar. That was where he was sent, and where he lived for the vast majority of his life. The oversight of the colony was one of major importance to the nation, given the breakaway status of Paggon close to a century prior. To maintain their grip on such a valuable cash cow was of the utmost importance to the nation – and the thing that kept it in the sphere of relevance with powerhouses like Torragon and Perrence. Perhaps that is why he understood the importance of strength. Not in the semblance of a paper tiger, but the understanding that power is power. And while there was not a great, significant tragedy that shaped his life, there was a moment that helped shape his philosophy. It was around the time he’d begun manifesting his gift - 8 or 9 at the time, when his father bid him to sit at a council of several important figures. One such figure was present that he had not encountered but merely heard about at the time: Hugo Hunghorasz. It baffled him. The existence of an anomaly on this scale. Everybody in this room was among the most powerful elite, just like him. Born with RAS that could cause a commoner to collapse by the simple act of drawing. But, Hugo was to the nobles what the nobles were to commoners. The only reason that everyone in that room was breathing was due to his mercy. His benevolence. He didn’t need to draw, or cast, or prove his strength. He opened his mouth, and people listened and heeded his words regardless of the tone or severity they carried. For if he spoke, it simply was. A great irony of this realization is that not once did he speak to this hero of his. He assumed, as he always had, that he knew what it meant to be strong. He knew that he would eventually stand with that man, just like the rest, and that he was among the chosen few that could comprehend that power - that [i]mercy[/i]. It was only in the years following this meeting that he quite understood the significance of it however. Concessions to slaves. He was older - wiser - more powerful than ever, and yet the idea seemed laughable to him. Shouldn’t they simply be glad to be alive? To breathe the same air as the powerful? His stance on the matter had long been shaped to one of extreme conservatism - not necessarily to protect the status-quo of the elite but to reinforce and reaffirm it. Too long had rabble been allowed to run around unchecked, only being saved by the grace of living gods. And so, he lived. In Palapar, he was sent as an envoy. He did his job, magnificently in fact. The plantations had never been more productive and prosperous for the nation of Virang. It did not matter to him how the locals toiled and suffered under the hot sun. It did not matter to him how they shivered in the night, for if he were to give them an inch, they would take much more than a mile. Slavery was a fact of life. There would always be those above, and those below. Whether you described them as serfs, free men, even ‘petty nobility’, they didn’t really exist. They weren’t truly free. At any moment, he could crush them. The only difference was attitude - and in his earnest opinion - it was better for the weak to not be ignorant of the difference. To not dress themselves up with titles, because that would lead to the type of secessions that had already occurred. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Officially Ren Baykara is here to survey the school after the revolution, and make sure that they are complying with the ‘neutrality’ they have promised. Unofficially, he is here to understand what is left after the death of Hugo, and whether there is a true replacement for the Paradigm at the school. If not, he just may have to assume that position himself. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] A wide array of clothing. Insurmountable Wealth. A colossal amount of various exotic food items, trade materials and other such belongings. Mountain Goat - A massive Ogauraq slave that carries his personal belongings, also his ‘muscle’ Joliin’saluung’ethanta - A yasoi slave girl that he keeps around as a personal assistant. Gesté-Mago (Old Faithful)- An older cazenax slave man that he keeps as a butler and carriage driver. -OTHER ITEMS TO BE DISCOVERED- [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Extremely well connected ❖ Good looking ❖ Confident ❖ Extremely wealthy ❖ Strategic Thinker [/indent] Quite frankly, everything Ren has, he wants. He is good looking, disproportionately wealthy even among the many nobles and elites that attend Ersand’Enise, and holds an immense number of connections. And although many of these things were blessings from birth, he also has a mind for strategy. To call him ‘gifted’ in this department would be a mistake, because it’s something he’s learned through continuous trial and error approaches. What makes it more frightening than most is that he is willing to make the tougher, less humane choices if they are more effective. [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖Arrogant ❖Cruel ❖Narcissistic ❖Delusional ❖Disconnected [/indent] While many dress up behind a layer of charm and intrigue, he does not. He is uncouth, arrogant and somewhat deluded in his own power fantasy, disconnected very much from the world around him. He does not look upon the plight of others with any sympathy or emotion, because in his mind, a default state of being is a mercy to them. This mindset makes him very few friends, and many enemies, and it’s not something that he’s ever concerned about because he’s lost in his own delusion. [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Color Code = #E4B844 [/hider]