The next month was brutal for Caty. She wasn't herself after the funerals of Captain Stacy and Elizabeth Allan. She didn't know who she was anymore. She lost two of the most important people in her life in such a short span. She already felt like there was a hole in her heart when her dad died, but when she killed Liz it felt like someone ripped that hole wider until there was nothing left. It was a miracle she was still alive. But her will and drive to protect and punish kept her alive. After the funeral she contacted Tony Stark and decided to meet him at the Avengers Tower as Spider-Woman. She didn't feel like Caty anymore. Tony recognized this in her when she pulled her mask back to drink some water he provided her. He could see that she was losing herself into her darkness. He recognized that look, because it was the same one that he saw when he looked at the bottom of a glass. He wanted to offer her support, guidance, and a mentor. The Caty inside her was screaming for her to say yes, but she couldn't hear her. She declined his offer and asked for tech to upgrade her web-shooters. He offered to work on them with her instead. She decided there was no harm in it and they worked together in silence. That moment in silence was what she needed. Tony knew that and didn't force more out of her. Unfortunately that moment wasn't enough to make her feel better or start to reform her torn heart. She desperately wished she did, but nothing could help. So she went searching for the next best thing. Someone to punch. Spider-Woman began making a name for herself in the underground. The worst of the worst, the people that profited off of the misfortunes of others were on her hit list and she was on theirs. She wished she could beat up Norman Osborn, but unfortunately she couldn't. As far as she knew Hobgoblin was a raving lunatic and there was no evidence of wrongdoings on Norman's part. But she couldn't deny the fact that a lot of strange things were happening at Oscorp. First the bio-engineered spiders, Doc Connors and his lizard serum, and Hobgoblin and whatever gave him his powers. What was next, supercharged electric eels? Regardless, she couldn't act and ruin Harry's life when they're not hiding what they're doing. She just hoped Danny was okay there. Maybe he was doing some investigating of his own. She honestly didn't know what he's been up to. She hasn't really talked to him or been home much since Halloween. She didn't like being home. It just reminded her of everything she lost. Everything that Caty lost and Caty didn't exist anymore. She was only at school to take tests and they sent her work home with Danny. She did it all, but it meant nothing to her. She just didn't want her mom bothered with it all. She officially quit the Cheerleading team. She only joined it because of Liz. She couldn't talk to Gwen either. She felt so guilty about everything. She tried to apologize to Gwen at the funeral, but messed up when she told her that Hobgoblin thought she was her. She blamed Caty for her dad's death. If only she knew that she felt the same way. But she let her yell at her, slap her, hit her chest, and vent out in anyway that she felt was necessary. Caty deserved it. She was right. She gave her, her space. Spider-Woman really had no one. She was alone. She couldn't even go to Liz's parents house, not inside. She left them flowers at their door every morning, but she couldn't see them. She couldn't talk to them. She couldn't lie to their faces so it was easier to love them from a distance. Karolina reached out to her after she heard what happened on the news. In fact, the whole group chat messaged her with condolences and said they'd be there for her if she ever needed anything. She told them she appreciated them all and abruptly went ghost. She knew Nico would understand and Gert could handle it and Molly was spamming her with memes whenever she got ahold of Gert's phone and signed each one. If Spider-Woman were to be honest those memes were the only thing keeping her sane. It reminded her there was still light and good in the world. She felt bad for ghosting Karolina though. She really appreciated her support, but she felt guilty. Karolina was nice and attractive and she did not want to think of anyone like that, not so soon after Liz's death. Caty didn't even exist anymore so her dating life didn't either. It died with Liz. The month moved in a blur. Spider-Woman barely slept and only ate to keep up with her increased calorie intake. She didn't eat for the joy of food anymore. She operated solely for the mission at this point and that included this Thanksgiving at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This was a huge event and she learned lately that whackos loved attacking New York on holidays. First a Norse god brings a bunch of blue giants on her and Danny's birthday. That may not have been a widely recognized holiday, but if Liz was correct they were the targets. Then Hobgoblin on Halloween. There's no way no one was going to try and ruin this holiday for her as well. She felt targeted and she was not going to bring that home. She decided to watch the parade afloat one of the floats. If anyone was going to attack this was the perfect time. This year the floats included members of the Avengers and she was atop Captain Marvel whose float was positioned as if she were flying across the city. Of course there was nothing for her and Spider-Man yet. Though she felt like she didn't deserve one at all. She was no hero. Just someone with powers playing vigilante. Her Spidey-Sense temporarily pulled her out of the hole her depression was digging. [color=E137E3]"I hate being right. Who is it now?"[/color] She looked around and couldn't hear or see anything. The ringing was getting even more intense like the danger was getting clo---. Something rushed past her peripheral and the next thing she heard was a large POP, then the hissing of air. She felt herself sinking into Captain Marvel's back. That wasn't good. She could hear the sound of screams below. She dove off Captain Marvel to speed past her and ran underneath the falling float. She then released an abundance of webs in rapid succession to create a giant web that kept the float from falling even more. She then shot strings of web at the buildings to her left and right before attaching them to the giant web holding Captain Marvel up. The crowd cheered and thanked her and she was honestly getting overwhelmed. The good mood was interrupted by the person who caused the danger in the first place. [color=00e600]"You think you won, Spider-Woman? You feel like the hero? This city will know the menace that you are."[/color] Said a man in a green suit and feathered mechanical wings announcing his presence. Spider-Woman was absently dumbfounded. She knew she saw something out of the corner of her eye, but she didn't think it was a flying turkey. [color=E137E3]"Oh, you read the Daily Bugle? I didn't know turkeys could read. But seriously, dude. A turkey costume debut on Thanksgiving?"[/color] The green turkey was furious. [color=00e600]"I'm not a turkey. I am the VULTURE! Inventor of the Underworld and Spider-Woman's assassin!"[/color] Spider-Woman was more annoyed than anything at this point. But she needed to get this clown away from people. [color=E137E3]"A reading and inventing turkey. Man, what are they feeding you on that farm? Wait, are turkeys raised on farms? I don't know, I'm a city girl through and through."[/color] [color=00e600]"You!!!"[/color] The Vulture said, his pale face turning red with fury. He extended his wings and pushed back propelling himself forward towards Spider-Woman. Criminals were all the same. Gullible idiots. Spider-Woman let the Vulture grab her and carry her away into the sky. She waved to to the people below. [color=E137E3]"Don't worry, I'm okay! I'm just leading him to the oven. This turkey's a little too fresh."[/color] When they were some distance away the Vulture through her into a building. She braced for her landing and gracefully landed on the glass. Her old ballet teacher would be so proud. She pushed off the glass pulling some of it with her fingers before bringing her arm around to punch the Vulture in the face. He feinted a punch in return, but shot her with one of his feathers. It grazed her and she fell from the sky. She held her side with one hand and shot a web at a building with the other. She sighed with relief, but that relief was gone instantly when she felt her Spidey-Sense again. She looked up to see the Vulture slicing her web through a flyby. She cursed and started falling again. [color=E137E3]"Not this time."[/color] She let go of her web and released another one at the Vulture's stomach. It attached and he began pulling her through the city as if he were a bull at a rodeo trying to get her off. When the Vulture looked down and saw Spider-Woman still holding strong she removed the hand from her side and shot another web, this time at his forehead. As soon as it attached she pulled it forward with enough force to bring him crashing to the ground. They were close to the ground when he was finally able to cut both webs with his wings. Spider-Woman landed on the ground and watched as the Vulture was about to take flight again to recuperate. [color=E137E3]"Where do you think you're going?"[/color] She asked shooting two webs at his wing harness and yanking it off. She tossed it away from him and caught him as he fell. [color=00e600]"Don't think you've won, Spider-Woman! My genius can't be---."[/color] He was cut off by a web to the mouth from Spider-Woman. She dropped him on the ground and webbed him up. [color=E137E3]"I think I just created a new Thanksgiving Dish. Turkey Stuffed Web. But don't worry, maybe the President will pardon you since it's still early."[/color] Spider-Woman said with a smile under her mask. Punching goons was okay, but she stopped another costumed weirdo today. One that wasn't able to hurt anyone, because she was there to protect them. Something was beginning to form inside the empty hole in her chest again.