[hr][hr][center][hider=OSKI - What's The Problem?][youtube]https://youtu.be/aP-XK5fxdcs?si=PobGgVBxkcyXvJhg[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Wingram, Room 103[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] Others would snap their attention to Professor Alto's blatant cursing, grunts, and the sound of something wet dripping on the floor. Yes, others would stare in horror. In panic. But Ciara? Ciara didn't have eyes for that. No. Her eyes were focused, as they were comfortably settled back in their classroom, on a certain half-elf. White hair, long bangs, focused and crisp eyes. And surrounding her, a bright, swirling, near-blinding aura of tangible deliciousness. Ciara just stared, a bit of drool escaping her mouth. The wounds made her especially Hungry, the pain gnawing at her belly. How tasty would it be? How satisfying would it be to just have a taste? [i]“Too many people to kill to eliminate the witnesses.”[/i] [i]“Mm…”[/i] [i]“The dark one has left, and the little pet of yours is no where to be seen. Two less witnesses.”[/i] [i]“...Uh huh.”[/i] [i]“If you throw a curtain over the windows, you can be done in less than a few seconds, and sate our Hunger.”[/i] Ciara wasn't actually listening this time, nodding her head absent-mindedly at the Voices as she sat there, in pain, half-delirious due to Hunger. [i]“The analyst is focused on the Astran-loving injured. Two that will offer up less resistance.”[/i] The mention of the professor was the only thing that could snap Ciara out of her Hunger daze. She immediately narrowed her eyes, teeth slightly barred. [i]“You're forgetting how strong it is. Do you not feel the burns on my back? Did you not see the flaming sword?”[/i] She broke off her gaze from Iraleth to glare at the professor, who was being given aid by Chunji. [i]“This is one to look out for. There's something… wrong here. It could prove to be a problem in the future, given our… history.”[/i] The Voices echoed in agreement. Ciara’s eyes slid to the door, sliding shut from Otis’ exit. He was focused. [i]What did it know?[/i] Ciara considered looking for the pet, but her pain spiked, and she held back a moan under her breath. No. There was another item on the agenda that took more precedence. The clinic. With a grimace, Ciara got up from her desk, passing her borrowed sword to a shadow to hold as she moved to the door. Her eyes hovered on the professor, a cold glare, before she too, exited. She followed the signs in the school, the ones that Michael the janitor had graciously put back, to the northern exit. From here, she was within the quaint town of Wingram, and it was easy enough to pick up the large sign that said ‘WINGRAM CLINIC’. A few mannekin were stationed outside, but barely reacted as she eyed them as she walked past. Not too busy, she thought, as she entered the building. Her eyes surveyed the waiting room, filled with a few students - none of whom she recognized. With the shadow shifting the sword held tip down behind her, Ciara moved to the receptionist desk. [b]“I… need to see the healer.”[/b] She was painfully aware of the gashes on her inner elbows and the mild burns along her back.