[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1101443714250973217/1105050476938018876/image.png?ex=65eec274&is=65dc4d74&hm=5e5205b0c72ef4a9a1fa22ba11341cb811b95bdbec3f4b11738a96555bac2aae&[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1101443714250973217/1105050998352924712/image.png?ex=65eec2f0&is=65dc4df0&hm=2af6429aed09c3a4531376ab9ed20ed2241a2e2fe4c4ac3a066ccb154d6660f7&[/img][/center] [color=DCD1FD]ᴛɪᴍᴇ |[/color] Sunset [color=DCD1FD]ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ |[/color] Northbound on the Eastern Sea [color=DCD1FD]ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ |[/color] Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy] [color=DCD1FD]ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ |[/color] Bardulf [@Lava Alckon], Masako [@dreamingflowers] [color=DCD1FD]ᴇQᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ |[/color] Travel bag with essentials (money, rations, first aid, etc), sapphire pendant, twin daggers. [hr] [Color=F6DC88]“Umm. Start?”[/color] He paused. [Color=F6DC88]“Magic! Yes!”[/color] Zeva’s tilted her head in subtle confusion, evident that the man was snapped out of some different train of thought or other. She couldn’t do much else but muster a defeated sigh, the high hopes she held for the man crashing as fast as they had been raised. The quickened ramblings that ensued contradicted his earlier statements. Nevertheless, Zeva resonated with parts of his seemingly random chatter – magic, for her, would better be used as a spare tool than her main weapon. [color=DCD1FD]“Well, uh, thanks. Sure.”[/color] It was difficult to make her gratitude sound even half-sincere. She made a mental note to give his other tip a try later on, and collect light from her surroundings instead of generating it herself. Eager to move on, Zeva redirected her line of sight to Bardulf and the pretty warforged, who had captured Luum’s attention so fiercely a moment ago. They were making light conversation, nothing more. Zeva’s attention hardly lasted on the pair, distracted soon after by the sounds of birds cawing as they flew overhead. Her eyes darted around the ship, finding little interesting to affix her gaze on. The deck was sparse; random barrels and crates were dispersed throughout the plank floors, and few crew members here and there minding their tasks. Aside from that, there was just an endless vast sea as far as Zeva could see. [color=DCD1FD]“Any chance you know how long before we reach our destination?”[/color]