Zavakri, at last, broke free of her introspective reverie. The chaos of recent times and the revelation of Detara's fate had shocked her into a reservation that had been somewhat uncanny for the ordinarily ceaseless chatterbox of a woman, but the sheer mundanity of discovering a purely empty and literally harmless hut seems to have instilled within her some semblance of balance with the world as-is once more. As the group turned to advance forth on their journey once more, the mathematician tip-toed into the hut to do one final spin of acceptance of circumstance. "...Hm, methinks 'nothing' is pretty good considering how things have been going." She chimes in at last, before following into step with her companions. "I, er....Cor, I suppose I should apologize. It's rather my fault we're all in this mess, huh? I can normally keep a pretty level head-- panic and fear notwithstanding-- but when I heard that hag mention 'Tara I just lost it." She blushes faintly, embarrassment gripping her. "...I guess what I mean to say is...Thanks for still having my back. It means a lot. I know it would've been easy to balance the equations there and then, so to speak, and I would've been left an outlier. I'll do better moving forward. We've all got a reason to be here, and I should keep that in mind." She exhales a long breath, then reaches a hand out into the air in front of her as that mystical glow of mathematica emanates from within her eyes and projects from her skin once more; equations flowing in the air around them, her hand deftly sliding variables and subtext about until she seemed satisfied. "There, that should give us all a bit of a boost moving forward. I've got my head back in the game." She concluded her manipulation of the world's underlying equation with a swift jab of the finger, and as her magic rippled into reality everyone would feel quite bolstered. [hider=ooc] Extended Cast 'AID' on the three other persons present; maximum HP Increases by 5 for the next 16 hours. 2nd level slot and 1 sorcery point used. [/hider]