[center][h2][color=ed1c24][u][b]Hannah Mark[/b][/u][/color][/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/577859824721592320/1213988769410064484/ooo_hannah.png?ex=65f77a25&is=65e50525&hm=6266cdd8f312abac742574b75182202460cf85b5f1fffa90816588d765cfee1b&[/img] [h3][color=ed145b][ 17 ][/color] | [color=ed145b][ 4'10" ][/color] | [color=ed145b][ she/they ][/color][/h3] The youngest player on record, Hannah was just getting ready to start college before everything went down-- Though...honestly she really wasn't even looking forward to continuing school. Pressured into further education by her parents, Hannah would have much preferred to just focus on her YouTube channel, as it was surprisingly successful, and she felt she could make a real career off of the platform like so many before her had already proved possible. Alas, her parents didn't see her dream as a healthy goal, and gave her an ultimatum: Continue school, or move out. Not exactly ready to be living on her own, and terrified of being by herself with a rather violent ex-boyfriend roaming the streets she had yet to get a restraining order against-- it's on her to-do list, right next to calling her physician to get an appointment, and opening a proper bank account --Hannah chose to accept her parent's terms, and enrolled at the local community college. She says that she has a fair memory of her encounter with the Game Master, and claims that she got a few good hits in on the person, even being able to get them with a good spritz of pepper spray before everything went dark. Trapped in the dungeon, she's eager to get another shot, and next time, she's not going to have any mercy on the individual. [h2][color=9e0b0f]• • •[/color][/h2] [color=f7976a]{ STR -- 8 }[/color] || [color=f7976a]{ DEX -- 9 }[/color] || [color=f7976a]{ CON -- 18 }[/color] ─── [color=f7976a]{ INT -- 9 }[/color] || [color=f7976a]{ WIS -- 9 }[/color] || [color=f7976a]{ CHA -- 15 }[/color][/center]