[@AThousandCurses][@Sifr] [b][h3]CLASSROOM 103[/h3][/b] "I- huh? Oh. Yes. Thank you for the offer, I will most definitely take you up on that," Chloe would nod towards Otis as he left. "Wait! The gunshot doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss... ah, hell with it," Alto grumbled, waving his hand down in resignation as his students left. After the others had taken off, Rio would follow shortly afterwards, giving a brief wave to the rest of the class that remained. "It's been fun, but I'm gonna dip until attunement. Let me know when we get someone worth learning from," the boy would state plainly before exiting. As the professor was attended to by Chunji, he nodded and sighed through grit teeth as he stared at the clock that read 9:35. The worst of the injury was healed such that he could focus on things other than pain, and acknowledged the healer's first question with uncertainty. "If Davil's not here, it could mean he's still somehow over on the other side. The overcharge lets us temporarily access Ascendia, but we aren't meant to stay there when it's done." Alto's attention would shift between Chunji, Hildegunde and Chloe as he spoke, clearly glad that at least some students had chosen to remain rather than storm out. "But considering that documentation and studies into the overlapping world are still very much in their infancy, oddities and exceptions seem to always pop up. Unexplainable in many cases, until our understanding of that place grows." With the squeak of an office chair long deprived of maintenance and oil, Compact 3's teacher leaned back to relax himself as much as possible before he'd be forced to walk to the attunement ceremony. At Hildegunde's offer of a healer, he shook his head as if it were an idea that'd bring too much trouble, as if it were a scrape or bruise instead of the gunshot wound that it was. "He might also just be dead? Banished from existence. Nobody could fault him for that - it's certainly possible that he's simply gone." [i]Slam.[/i] Chloe's hands smashed hard against her desk, her frustration brought to a boiling point as the professor finished speaking. Without a word and with the slightest hint of misty eyes mixed with anger, she rose from her chair and began to stomp out of the classroom while locking eyes with Alto, slamming the door behind her. "...Was I that harsh?" Alto stared towards the ceiling, unbothered yet still pondering his choice of words. "You're both free to go as well, if you want. You've got about twenty minutes. We were going to wind down with some bonding exercises before attunement, but we'll save that for another time." [hr] [@ERode][@Psyker Landshark] [b][h3]CLASSROOM 104[/h3][/b] As the door to room 104 opened, it was made apparent immediately by the emptiness of the classroom that this group was still in session. Some students wandered the halls, clearly having finished early the same as Compact 3, and yet 104 remained within their overcharge - the primary sign of which would be faint blue outlines glowing ever so dimly around the floor of the classroom. Its dimness indicated it would soon reach the end of its battery, and with it, the return of the students and teacher. There was one thing that might stick out to the Compact 3 duo that entered, however. By a window of the room on the other side, a white feather sat there. It seemed to be crumbling away slowly as if dematerializing in a world not made for it, its brightness unceremoniously dissipating into dust by the window gradually. If it was observed and studied before it fully dispersed, it would be made apparent that the feather would have no traces of essence of any kind on it. It was as if it was completely drained of all essence, or maybe that it was made such that it had none to begin with, and thus couldn't maintain a tangible form in reality as a result. Based on the size and shape, it was almost certainly a feather off of one of Davil's winged shoes. Despite all of this, the boy was nowhere to be seen, though the active leyline within the room did seem to glow inconsistently, as if flickering. It was clear, though, that 104's overcharge would end within the next minute, give or take, and so anything that had to be done would likely need to be done fast. Time was of the essence. [hr] [@Estylwen] [b][h3]WINGRAM CLINIC[/h3][/b] Many students rested within the clinic's waiting area, seated and browsing local Union news on their Adapa or sending messages to their friends from elsewhere. Some would be courteous enough to browse silently, while others filled the clinic with the unpleasant sounds of tapping or recordings of Strigari Academy skirmishes. Utterings of the rampant murders of a serial killer in Vaal Shakta, or of Mayor Highguard's continued push for closer relations with Mirris, filled the clinic in whispers and low tones as bored students passed the minutes by. The receptionist looked up and down Ciara with concern, clicking his tongue as he turned a leatherbound book held up by a stand towards her on his desk. "Place your Adapa against the book, please. It'll tell us the important details of your age, blood type, height and weight, the potency of your prime essence, and the current status and specifics that make up your emotional, conceptual and elemental essence as well as any inconsistencies. No, we can't look any deeper than that, no we can't use this to determine the word of your prime essence, and [i]no[/i], we can't use this to pry into your brain and steal your e-mail. Questions?" He blurted it all out so rapid fire and yet so monotone that it was clear he'd gone through this process dozens of times already today. If Ciara accepted and placed her Adapa against the clinic's book, it would feel as if something important within her mind was ripped out of her and given back in a split second. It wouldn't cause pain, but it would most likely be disorienting. The rest of the clinic would seem to regard this as normal, however, not paying it any mind.