[center][color=6ecff6][h3]G A B R I E L[/h3][/color][/center] "[color=6ecff6]Bloody numpty,[/color]" Gabriel gruffly sighed, muttering under his breath when Rory mentioned about the drunken bugbears antics "[color=6ecff6]Bit my fault too mind..Truthfully, I got the big rug killed.[/color]" he tried his best to muster up a brave face, but he couldn't look at his companions only his muddied boots. "[color=6ecff6]Damn spell should have put those...Whatever you call em, to sleep. Bet he'd tear my throat out if he knew.[/color]" taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and looked up, opening them "[color=6ecff6]So this mess is mostly my fault.[/color]"