[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Wingram Clinic[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] Ciara eavesdropped on the scraps of news whispered as she stood there at the receptionist’s desk. The most recent events in her life, mainly the insane opening ceremony, having to duel to survive, and fighting her teacher, caused it to be easy to forget there was a life beyond these walls. The serial killer stood out to her the most. At least it wasn't a thief. But she couldn't help but think if her apartment in Vaal Shakta was safe. With a click of her tongue, Ciara tuned her wavering focus to the receptionist. [b][i]“Place your Adapa against the book, please.”[/i][/b] Well-practiced speech. Most of it went over her head, as she was simply in no condition to move much, nevermind string logical parts of sentences together. Blame the blood loss. Ciara blinked slowly, before she reached into her mind.[i] “Adapa?”[/i] [i]“Yes, miss?”[/i] [i]“Do as they say.”[/i] The Adapa, distinguished from all the rest with its red leaf hidden in its pages, appeared in front of her. As it pressed against the receptionists book, many things happened all at once. Ciara felt a ripping sensation in her mind. The sensation was so strong, so dizzying, that she nearly failed to notice the floor zoom in towards her as she fell. The ringing in her ears as she swooned. A hand shot out, catching herself on the edge of the desk as her head thought of meeting the floor more intimately. The bandage of the arm holding the desk immediately darkened, the movement splitting open the wound and nullifying the first-aid. Drops of blood dripped on the floor. Ciara, wheezing, got back to her feet, the Adapa disappearing into thin air as the receptionist got the information they needed. She examined the bandage, a sharp suck of air as she felt the sting of the spear wound. [b]“Maybe… I can be seen sooner rather than later?”[/b]