[center] [h1][color=dodgerblue]J[/color] [i]u s t i n[/i][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tykRARX.png[/img] [color=dodgerblue]"They do say justice is blind..."[/color] [color=888888]— Justin[/color] [hider=Status]19 | Male | Freelancer | The Noble Spark Shock, Awe(some) | Fist, Fist | Arcane | Crosstalk Resistor | Pretty lit Voltaic Knight | Lightning | Reroute EMPTY | Grounded [Paralysis (4)] [Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Pull (2), Blink (4), Transplace (8), shield (4), trail (0), Enhance (2), Bounce (0) DAMAGE: B | SPEED: B | SENTINEL: D | Max Mana [color=skyblue]750[/color] [color=silver][Silver Projectile (9)][/color][color=yellow][Blink (4)][/color] = [color=red]-60[/color] PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: D | Current Mana [color=skyblue]390[/color][/hider][/center] Noble Spark hoped that his ally wasn't making any crazy assumptions, like a mint-condition Golden Age comic or something. He didn't intend to part with anything particularly old or valuable, which is exactly what those were. Specifically, the first edition of Wonder Woman's newest series was what he had in mind, and while he had certainly lucked out by getting one in mint condition, her expectation should be a few hundred in the best scenario. Granted that was still a lot of potential dollars to be spending on some random Freelancer he just met, especially to be encouraging her to do her job, but he wasn't too worried about it. The lives they could potentially save with that water were worth the future hassle of finding another comic of the same quality. Probably. Hopefully. Noble Spark looked back after dealing with the pale guard only to find that Sovereign had been claimed by the shopping cart the undead bum had been shoving toward him. It didn't seem to get very far before it slowed down to a snail's pace, and though understandably embarrassed, Sovereign was well enough to get composed and utterly annihilate the two remaining foes in their immediate area. [color=dodgerblue][i]Gone, reduced to atoms...[/i][/color] Despite how obviously overkill the melody was, or really because of it, Noble Spark grinned. [color=dodgerblue]"Bold AND just, as is ideal!"[/color] He gave an entertained and hearty laugh, turning to face his merc-natured companion but catching the commotion coming from cultists and the truck as he did. There was quite a bit happening all at once. One of the cultists was using his fellow cultists as human shields to avoid melodies, while another, pink-haired one was spouting lines too far away from Noble Spark for him to hear, probably for the best. His most trusted [s]GPS [/s]ally of the fight, Bard, was... learning to fly right after slaughtering the wheels on the truck full of the water Noble Spark was concerned about. It wasn't until he noticed the boy slowing his descent with pages that he even considered the airtime wasn't intentional. Still, Bard stuck the landing, or at least the monster that was with him when he landed. [color=dodgerblue][i]A good first edition so far![/i][/color] But his appreciation of Bard and the backstory of the grunt was short-lived, as around that time, a higher-pitched scream of pain erupted from the female Esper on top of the truck, snatching his attention away. [color=dodgerblue]"Accursed villains! She's been disarmed!"[/color] Noble Spark cried, outraged by the bad guys landing a solid blow. They weren't supposed to do that! Eager to pay them back for this impropriety, he acknowledged Sovereign's worry about compensation with a quick nod, then immediately burst into a sprint towards the semi. [color=dodgerblue][i]Those bastards, haven't they ever read a comic? If you're gonna take a hero's limbs, you gotta have a name and be a credible threat! And even then, you're usually tolerated for the catharsis that comes when you get beaten![/i][/color] The air in an moderate-sized area around Noble Spark surged with electricity as his righteous anger became manifest. One could only wonder how much more pronounced the effect would be if he witnessed what happened to Finn, but that was sadly not the case as he was far too focused on catching that truck. The aspiring Winter Soldier without the cool prosthetic was holding their own it seemed, managing to force two of her opponents off the truck, or maybe that was just the truck having difficulty driving straight. Whatever caused their sudden departure from the top of the truck, he watched as they hit the ground hard, yet did not die. He hadn't intended to stop for them, but he might've been tempted had he known they were going to turn into zombie-bum-mantis chimeria hybrid things. As he looked back to the truck he was chasing, he could no longer spot the Esper that used to be atop it. He could deduce that they likely hadn't fallen off like the Mighty Morphin' Zombie Bums, but that was about it. From his perspective, the truck was still trying to make a getaway and that wasn't gonna stop without intervention, so he prepared a melody. Noble Spark wasn't exactly the most humble Esper, but he also didn't fancy himself Deadshot, either. He launched his blink-bolt towards the door of the semi, the intention being to teleport and either grab onto the lip of the window or the large mirror on the truck, and then see about yanking the driver out of the cab.