[center][h2]Pagras[/h2][/center] [center][@Xaltwind][/center] [quote=Vanessa][color=lightblue]"But you just leave finding your hubbie to me, alright? Just like when I fetched you earlier, my little minions will come and let us know once they've found him again."[/color][/quote] "Alright. I'll leave that to you." Iskah nodded. "And yeah, I lost Rie. You're also right that it is kind of weird that Miss Rie is very carefree about her goods. Very uncharacteristic for a Gyoubu Danuki. Maybe she trusts the Ortusians that much? Also uncharacteristic for her kind too, though..." "We should probably look for her later. But we both agree that it's not our fault if something gets stolen off of her cart, okay?" Iskah chuckled. Not even a second after, Vanessa's summons detected Aun's energy signature. He was at the edge of Pagras in the direction of the kingdom's capital, seemingly getting ready to skip town to escape the monsters hounding him. Vanessa and Iskah could definitely catch up to him, even if he hitched on a horse and started riding away. The lizard monster noticed that the Dark Mage felt something. "What's wrong, Vanessa? Have you sensed Aun already?"