Galt had no idea if he had been awake. One minute he had been standing there, and the next a wave of multicolored phosphorescent water hit him and bowled him over, and then light... or had there been light? He didn't know, and honestly his caring for the mystery swiftly fled him when he realized they had made it through. But he was surprised again when he came to with the pirate lord atop him. His heart began to thunder in his chest, not out of embarrassment or shyness, but he was afraid any disapproval on her part would send her small sword into his gullet. Thankfully, she merely got up and checked their surroundings. The thief did too, rising to his feet and brushing himself off. His hair was no longer soaked, and he shook his head to get out whatever debris might have collected in it. The maelstrom they had endured was now pristine, almost picturesque. It was a small comfort, considering the ship looked to be a wreck. He ran his hands over his face to kindle his senses. "Yeah, thought we were burnin' the ken there for a second." He admitted, drawing a curious look from Jesse. He grinned at her in spite of himself, not meaning to use the thieves cant. "Thanks, by the way. For keeping me onboard." "Yer no good to me dead," She told him, leaning over the rail to check the waters below. The sea was as clear as glass, small fish meandering lazily beneath the Weather Witch. Seaweed billowing with every small current. She hopped off the rail as he replied. "To think I was just starting to like you." Galt joked, peering at the island. "I'm not a sailor, but you're not bad at this." Her gambit through the portal reminded him very much like his mad dash to freedom and leap through the window, just before he had been taken by her. It brought back memories of Bonnie for a small, uncomfortable second. They had not even liked each other, but he still knew she was dead and he wasn't. Such was the life. Jess chuckled, stepping across the deck to collect her sword. She gave him a fierce smile as she lifted herself back up, and this time his heart began to race again, for more traditional male reasons. Suddenly Bonnie was in the past. "You haven't seen nothing yet." She promised as she sheathed her sword. Across the deck, Branch groaned. He lifted one scarred arm and grabbed at the railing above him. He missed it and hit the deck again. Galt looked around and noticed a few more crewmen coming to. He felt a small chill crawl up his spine when he realized half of the men on the rigging was now gone, as if the rift itself claimed a toll for their passage. "Almost thought I was cleaved to the brisket!" One younger pirate complained, sitting up and rubbing his chest, blonde hair matted to his face. Jess began to order men about, telling them to clean and repair the ship as best they could without taking it on shore. She then called for volunteers for a scout party on the island, and said by no uncertain terms Galt was coming. He was not going to argue, but at his incredulity she said: "First you can't wait to leave the ship and now you're wanting to stay?" "Not at all, just figured you'd want to keep an eye on me." "I am." She clarified with a glint as dangerous as it was amused, one hand on her hip. "I'm going too."