[center][h3]NPCs introduced in Chapter 2[/h3][/center] [hider=Rudrick][b]Name:[/b] Rudrick [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/him [b]Species:[/b] Dragon [b]Age:[/b] Bearded Dragon [b]House:[/b] House Semscale [b]Colour:[/b] [color=8D3A19]Reddish-brown[/color] [b]Moons:[/b] Stone, Liberty [b]Looks:[/b] - Large curled horns - Thick reddish-brown scales - Round amber eyes - Long, wrinkled snout with crocodile-like teeth - Bat-like wings, each tipped with an extra 'claw' - Spade-like end of tail - Bulky body, though more on the pudgy side than muscular [b]Description:[/b] One of Garrock's siblings, and while they have strong physical resemblance, demeanor-wise they couldn't be more different: whereas Garrock believes in independence and being left to one's own devices, Rudrick seems almost incapable of being alone. The minute he leaves the company of one group of dragons, he is automatically seeking out another, and he seems to have a lot of friends and good acquaintances to alternate between. In fact, there doesn't seem to many dragons in his House that he doesn't know, and considering how big and varied Semscale is, that's quite an achievement. Some might find him a little annoying - Garrock, chief among them - but no dragon will argue that he doesn't have a good heart. Sadly, his good heart is more often than not the thing that seems to get him into trouble.[/hider] [hider=Heliotrope][b]Name:[/b] Heliotrope [b]Pronouns:[/b] She/her [b]Species:[/b] Dragon [b]Age:[/b] Longtooth Dragon [b]House:[/b] House Semscale [b]Colour:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Blood red[/color] [b]Moons:[/b] Spirit, Void, Liberty [b]Looks:[/b] - Three sets of long, thin horns - Dark green scales speckled with red - Reddish-orange eyes - Long, thin snout with a horn on the tip of her nose - Bat-like wings - Slender but more muscular than one might expect - Often wears a light green shawl, decorated with various plants [b]Description:[/b] Due to her memory for herbs and her cool temperament, Heliotrope has quickly gained renown as one of Semscale's best healers. While she does still have access to the Spirit Moon, she doesn't like to rely on its magic too much to do her job, preferring more traditional forms of medicine. Sometimes referred to as 'Bloodstone', though she's not particularly fond of that name.[/hider] [hider=Coryn][b]Name:[/b] Coryn [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/him [b]Species:[/b] Dragon [b]Age:[/b] Winged drake [b]House:[/b] House Semscale [b]Colour:[/b] [color=FF7F7F]Light red[/color] [b]Moons:[/b] Spirit, Stone, Liberty, Storm [b]Looks:[/b] - A single pair of golden horns - Reddish-pink scales - One eye pale yellow, the other blue - Golden arrow-like point on the end of his tail - Bat-like wings - A little on the chubby side - Often wears a necklace made of flowers [b]Description:[/b] Heliotrope's eager yet clumsy apprentice, Coryn has always had a deep fascination and respect for his mentor and what she does, even before she started training him personally. In fact, this zeal is probably the main reason she's even bothering to train him, as few young drakes see the appeal in the craft. After all, why bother picking plants and making salves when you can just call upon the power of the moons?[/hider]