[h1][color=39b54a][b]Tillius[/b][/color][/h1] [hr] Unlike the rest, Tillius didn't have much experience dealing with golems, so he preferred to stay silent and listen. From the description of both Gray Flame, Roxas and others, it didn't seem like the orc would require his sword here, not at least now. No need to bite into granite and rocks. The target to look out for were the eyes and its monstrous warhammer. There might be a coordination module somewhere according to Engelbert but who knows where it is in this one. [color=39b54a]"If you'd consider this damaging, I can try going for its eyes or core."[/color] Tillius showed Engelbert the wooden javelin. It wasn't an impressive show, but it's at least an option. [color=39b54a]"I'm better off playing the bait though."[/color] Tillius watched calmly as the golem switched from its dormant state to an immediate danger. At least he was expecting to having to fight this, he held his javelin as if it was a normal spear, and his shield ready to block or deflect its warhammer if he ever failed the dodge. [color=39b54a]"Let's not delay further. What's everyone's role?"[/color] If the golem began attacking and the elf still hadn't doled out what he was supposed to have done, Tillius would take charge.