Since I get into a lot of danger one would think perhaps right now was one of those excitingly dangerous times. However, life is not always dangerous and exciting. I laugh at how I am acting as if my mind was a transcript, waiting to be read. Then again, with telepathic people this could be more than possible, that my mind is read by many. A disturbing thought when you think about it. Grabbing anything to distract myself from this train of thought, I marvel at how I have socially grown. Only a year ago when I arrived I was street trash, now here I am sitting at a coffee store wearing an expensive suit. I applaud myself mentally as I take a sip of my decaffeinated latte, looking around a bit as I enjoy the drink. In many ways, appearing like a middle class young man acting a little older than he should be. But in fact much more was happening. I moved my field of vision towards an alley next to the coffee store, and although noone is there, blood is splattered on the wall. I sigh, and continue my coffee, wanting my current tranquility to last a bit longer.