[@TheNoCoKid] No worries. I have another concept I can toss at you. I just figured with the year being [i][b]WAY[/b][/i] beyond what normal Cyberpunk is set at just thought I might toss in a character that is normal in a tabletop setting. [@Wayward] Thank you for taking the time to do a breakdown of your opinion on my character. Ideally that is the GM or Co-GMs job but I appreciate you took the time out of your day to give opinions. It means you read it and even though nothing was really constructive in any way I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't really mean to come off as a condescending jerk. Which you did, but again I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't meant that way cause ya know text. Hard to read inflection and all that jazz. Much appreciated that you took the time to read it.