Emmaline appeared in the doorway a bottle of Brettonian wine in one hand and staff of bread in the other. She lifted the bottle to her lips and drank directly from the neck in what was doubtlessly a sin against good liquor. Her mouth twisted with distaste as she saw the corpse sprawled across the floor with its accompanying splash of gore and brains. "That is going to ruin my floor," Emmaline complained petulantly. "Your floor?" Neil asked in amusement. Emmaline made a gesture with the bottle that defied immediate interpretation. She opened her mouth as though to order Neil to remove the corpse but subsided before speaking at his arched eyebrow. "Well... we can only stay her for a day or so," she admitted, "I suppose if we close the door he wont have time to stink the place up." Even as she said it the freshness of the corpse began to bother her, the murder could not have happened more than a few hours ago judging by the lack of rigor. "I suppose at least we know it wasn't a beastman," she admitted, no beast man that she had ever heard of was sophisticated enough to use black powder weapons, even if they were looted from Imperials. She wondered who this man had been and why, when the staff and family were fleeing before a chaos invasion, someone had chosen to murder him in such a fashion. "I'm going to go look for gold," she declared, taking another swig of wine. "There is plenty of food in the larder, we can spend the night and stock up before we leave tomorrow." She was less sanguine about staying in the manor house with the dead man, but it was infinitely preferable to stumbling around in the woods at night with the beastmen on the prowl.